"You can call me..."

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Nobody's POV

(y/n) and Tatsumaki are taking a stroll through the park. It's been a couple of weeks since the hot springs trip and things have quieted down.

"H-Hey (Y/n)?" Tatsumaki says.

"Yeah?" (y/n) replies.

"Tell me, how's life with that robotic arm?" Tatsumaki asks.

"It's going pretty well." (y/n) says, looking at it. "I don't have to get off the couch to search for the tv remote anymore when I could just use my arm."

Tatsumaki giggles at (y/n)'s remark. Just before her cell phone rings.

"Hello?" Tatsumaki says.

"Ms. Tornado, the hero association needs you and (y/n)'s help. Please come to the association HQ as soon as possible." A Hero Association HQ officer says.

"Ugh great. In the middle of such a beautiful day." Tatsumaki says.

"That's not the only thing that's beautiful..." (y/n) says.

Tatsumaki's face turns a slight shade of red at (y/n)'s remark. "L-Let's just head over." She says.

At Hero Association HQ...

"Thanks to the help of our ally representatives Rob and Bob, we're been able to jump start the Hero Association millennia into the future. This allows us to greatly improve HQ, and search deeper into the universe with a quantum-telescope." A Hero Association employee says.

"Ok, so what's the issue?" (y/n) asks.

"The issue is that we found a planet with a near identical geographic wavelength as earth. Same atmosphere, same water ph levels, hell even the same geological formation. Meaning that it's basically another earth." The employee says. "While this is a big achievement, the lifeforms on there are thousands of times stronger than anything we've ever seen. And worse still, it seems like they may be launching an attack."

"Let me guess, you want us to go and settle this matter before earth goes boom?" Tatsumaki says.

"Blunt way to put it, but yes." The employee replies.

"No worries, I'm great at talking." (y/n) says.

"Yeah..." Tatsumaki says. "Great at it."


"Do we really have to do this?" Tatsumaki asks. "I don't feel too confident."

"We got this." (y/n) says. "I think..."

Tatsumaki sighs. She and (y/n) are standing in front of a wormhole generator, the first of it's kind. A wormhole is a tunnel through space and time. Now she was about to jump into it to basically teleport to the earth-like planet.

"System clear, ready for activation." Scientists from the control room say.

The generator gets booted up, spawning a wormhole. The sound it makes is similar to opening an airplane door in mid-flight. Tatsumaki gulps at the roaring portal. She's seen some pretty scary stuff before, but going through a wormhole that can literally shatter you across space and time is more terrifying than anything.

"C-Can I hold your hand while we walk through?"" Tatsumaki asks.

"Sure." (y/n) says, grasping Tatsumaki's hand.

Tatsumaki feels a little better about the situation. With the comfort of (y/n), she could step into the portal and-

"New planet here we come!" (y/n) says, running through the portal without hesitation. Dragging Tatsumaki along, who's holding onto his hand.

"W-W-Wait! Hold on!" Tatsumaki says.

Too late...

The portal zaps shut once (y/n) and Tatsumaki go through.

"Do you think they arrived safely Professor?" A Hero Association overseer asks.

"I don't know, you'll have to ask them yourself." The professor says. "I merely build the machine."

"I don't understand how you can be such a genius. Yet such an idiot." The overseer says.

Inside the inter-dimensional wormhole...

(y/n) is spinning around in circles inside a tunnel filled with colors. As he spins around, he notices each speck of color is a galaxy.

Tatsumaki is still holding his hand, looking around her in awe.

"You know, you scared the hell out of me back there!" Tatsumaki says. "I felt like I was a scared kid about to go onto a giant roller coaster that had a 300 ft drop and 2 loops on it."

"That's... oddly specific." (y/n) says. "You saying that happened to you?"

"Well- I..." Tatsumaki says nervously. "...Yes."

The galaxy specks start to slow down, and knowing that they were nearing their destination, (Y/n) and Tatsumaki brace themselves for whatever awaits them.

The wormhole drops them in the middle of a giant forest. Trees the same height as skyscrapers stretch as far as Tatsumaki's height allowed.

"H-Hey I'm not THAT short!" Tatsumaki yells.

As I was saying... Trees as tall as skyscrapers surround the duo, stretching as far as the eye could see. A thunderous boom could be heard, sounding much like thunder.

"Who goes there?" A loud voice says. "And what brings you here?"

"You answer us first!" Tatsumaki says, standing up. "We're here to talk!"

"Talk?" The voice says, before erupting into laughter. "You want to talk and you haven't introduced yourself yet? What's your name, tiny child?"

"T-Tiny child?! Why you-! My name's Tatsumaki!" Tatsumaki says angrily.

"And I'm (y/n)." (y/n) says.

"Nice to meet you two." The voice says.

"And what's your name?!" Tatsumaki says.

"My name?" The voice says. "Well, you can call me... A God."

A.N - Looks like another problem is stirring for this duo/couple. (Don't tell Tats I said that). Seems like (y/n) and Tatsumaki need to be shot light-years away from Earth to somewhere else. Wonder how it'll turn out...

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