Leader Of The Dark Matter Thieves

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Nobody's POV

(y/n) is walking towards the Hero Association HQ, as he's walking down the street, he sees a familiar child-like figure.

"What do you mean emergency S class meeting?" Tatsumaki yells into her phone. "Get (y/n)?! I don't even know where he is-" She then looks up to see (y/n) walking towards her.

She immediately closes her phone and angrily walks over to him.

"The Hero Association wants you to go to an S class meeting." She says.

"What for?" (y/n) asks.

"How am I supposed to know?" She replies angrily. 

"Well I was heading there anyways." (y/n) says and walks off. He then stops and turns back to Tatsumaki. "Race ya there!" He says and sprints towards the HQ building, breaking the sound barrier.

"H-Hey!" Tatsumaki says in surprise. "You'll pay for thinking you're better than me!" She then follows (y/n).

At Hero Association HQ...

(y/n) rushes into the building, screeching to a halt.

"Seems like you were in a hurry." A man says.

"Huh?" (y/n) says, looking around.

"S class rank 5, Atomic Samurai. Nice to meet you." He introduces himself. He extends his hand for a handshake.

"Hey why does he get to shake hands with you?" Saitama says.

"Saitama? What are you doing here?" (y/n) asks.

"He's probably here to get close to S class heroes." Tatsumaki says. "You disgust me, leave at once."

"Eh?" Saitama says. "Whats with this sassy... lost child?"

"Uh oh." (y/n) says under his breath.

"Why you-!" Tatsumaki says. (y/n) quickly steps in to try and restrain Tatsumaki. It wasn't difficult since he could just lift her off the ground, leaving her dangling there.

"Let go of me! I'll make that baldy regret his words!" Tatsumaki says, attempting to break free from (y/n).

"Heroes aren't supposed to fight heroes." (y/n) says.

"He's right, Tatsumaki." an old man says.

"Huh? Who're you?" (y/n) asks.

"S class, rank 4. Bang a.k.a Silverfang, nice to meet you." Bang introduces himself.

All S class heroes make their way to the meeting room, the meeting will commence soon.

Upon hearing the announcement, all the S class heroes, including Saitama, make their way to the meeting room.

Upon being seated, (y/n) gets a good look at most of the S class heroes. After a few minutes, Sitch comes into the room.

"We're here to discuss something that will threaten the very existence of mankind." Sitch announces.

"The very existence of mankind?" The S class heroes repeated in shock.

"We got a message from Shibabawa, who died shortly after giving us this message." Sitch said.

"The earth is in danger?" (y/n) read.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Child Emperor said.

"Yeah, if it says within the next 6 months, that's a lot of time to keep track of." Saitama said. "Besides, within the next 6 months, it could be tomorrow or even today."

"Yes, that is true." Sitch said. "Who are you anyway? You're not an S class hero."

Before Saitama could give his answer, the building was suddenly attacked by skyfolk.

Sitch quickly opened the holographic map of A-city, only to discover something horrifiying.

"Destruction is at 99.8%?! Who knew that Shibabawa's prediction would come so soon!" Sitch said in disbelief.

"Let's head out Master." Genos said.

However, Genos didn't find Saitama in his seat. He only found a hole leading to the roof above his chair. (y/n) also leapt through the building in a similar fashion.

Both (y/n) and Saitama were on the roof of the Hero Association HQ, looking at the alien ship that just wiped A-city off the map.

"What's our plan of action?" Saitama asked.

"Destroy them before they can destroy any other supermarkets." (y/n) said. "Think of how many Saturday sales they could ruin."

Saitama was suddenly furious at the mere thought.

"Right, I'll make them pay." Saitama said.

(y/n) and Saitama both jumped off the Hero Association building, dodging and deflecting the incoming artillery shells.

Once inside, (y/n) and Saitama split up. Saitama heading towards the liviing quarters and (y/n) heading to the control room.

Once (y/n) reaches the control room, he finds Saitama, who has already beat Geryuganshoop.

"At least let me have some fun." (y/n) complains.

"Oh sorry," Saitama says. "I found where the leader is though."

"Well? What are we waiting for then?" (y/n) replies.

At Lord Boros's Power Core room...

"They've come..." Lord Boros says.

Boros gets up from the chair, and looks at the giant door. He smiles and prepares to meet the people who would rekindle his excitement for battle.

A.N - so it's now time for Saitama and (y/n) to face Lord Boros. Wonder how the fight will go since its a 2v1.

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