So It's A Date?

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(y/n)'s POV

I head out my front door and lock it. I turn around to find Tatsumaki standing right in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I-I wanted to apologize..." Tatsumaki says in a quiet voice, her face turning bright red.

"Ah, so the tsundere loosens up." I say.

"S-Shut up!" Tatsumaki says, giving me a firm slap in the face.

"Ouch... Sorry." I say, rubbing my cheek.

"Jeez, I go all this way out of the kindness in my heart and you make such a cheeky comment." Tatsumaki says.

"I didn't feel kindness in that slap..." I say.

"Do you want another to feel it again?" Tatsumaki replies angrily.

"N-no thanks." I say meekly.

"I'm gonna go out for a stroll, you wanna join?" Tatsumaki asks.

"Sure, so it's a date?" I say.

"Hmph, don't get your hopes up." Tatsumaki says, and starts leaving.

I follow her. After a while, we reach the local park, and Tatsumaki sits down on a park bench. The sun was setting, and Tatsumaki was getting tired. I sit down next to her, she soon rests her head on my shoulder.

"Let me -yawn- use your shoulder real quick." Tatsumaki says, before dozing off.

"Great, now i'm stuck in this position." I say. I look at the reflection of the sun on the lake, I then look at Tatsumaki. Despite being quite mean to me, she's really cute. I'm enticed to kiss her on the forehead, but then realize I don't need a free trip to the stratosphere.

After about 10 minutes, I carry Tatsumaki back to my apartment. I unlock the front door and put her onto my bed, then tucked her in. The way she slept reminded me of a child, but then again, her height does too. I close the door behind me and lay down on the couch. 

Soon, I begin to doze off...

The next day...

I was awoken by a harsh slap on the face and Tatsumaki yelling at me.

"What the hell were you thinking? Bringing me into your house and probably doing indecent things to me." Tatsumaki yells at me.

"You fell asleep on my shoulder, I had no other choice. All I did was tuck you into bed." I say.

"I am not a child!" Tatsumaki argued back.

"You sure look like one..." I say under my breath.

"What was that?!" Tatsumaki says, furious.

"N-Nothing." I say nervously.

I get up, and head over towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Tatsumaki says.

"Making breakfast. Sit down, it'll be done in a few minutes." I reply.

"I do not need you to cook for me! I'm not even hungry-" Tatsumaki says, before being interrupted by her stomach growling.

"I think your stomach begs to differ." I say, trying my best not to burst out laughing.

"I-I think I'll stay for a bit longer." Tatsumaki says, embarrassed.

After a few minutes, I finish making my signature dish, blueberry pancakes. I put them on 2 dishes and bring them over to Tatsumaki, who is struggling to look over the table, due to her short height.

"You need a couple of textbooks to sit on?" I ask her, putting the plates on the table.

"No need." Tatsumaki says, trying even harder.

I sigh, and grab some textbooks and a pillow for her to sit on. After a few minutes of persuading, Tatsumaki sits on them and eats the pancakes.

Using her telekinesis to use the utensils, she takes a bite of the pancakes.

"Wow (y/n), you're really good at these." Tatsumaki says, happily eating more.

After breakfast, Tatsumaki heads out of my apartment. I go to see her off, but before she does leave, she turns towards me.

"What is it?" I ask.

Without saying a word, she hovers over to me, leans in close. Then pokes my forehead.

"I'll be sure to stop by more often." Tatsumaki says with a giggle, then flies off.

I stand there, still trying to process what just happened. Wondering if my blueberry pancakes were so good, that they changed her personality.

A.N - Seems like your pancakes were THAT good. Tatsumaki seems to be a bit more open now. Yes, this chapter had nothing to do with the actual anime, but since theres only so much of it, I'll probably be doing that more often.

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