The Mad Cyborg

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Nobody's POV

"Mad Cyborg?" (y/n) wonders out loud. "Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"No." The Mad Cyborg replies. "I didn't even wake up on the bed."

"Oh." (y/n) says. "That explains it."

"Enough talk!" Genos says angrily. "You destroyed my hometown and killed my family. Today is the day I avenge them."

Genos slams his arms together, and a whole array of flamethrowers activate.

"Incinerate." Genos says, blasting The Mad Cyborg with a toasty 500°F blast of fire.

"Too slow." The Mad Cyborg says from behind Genos.

"He dodged?" (y/n) wonders, taking a bite out of a roasted marshmallow. "Genos! Let me help!"

"No!" Genos snaps. "This is my fight! You two take the intel and get out of here!"

"But-" (y/n) says, before Tatsumaki puts her hand on his shoulders.

"We should listen to him." Tatsumaki says. "It's his fight. And give me those marshmallows!"

(y/n) just nods and shakes his head in agreement. "Be sure to come back alive! And no I'm not giving you my marshmallows, go roast some yourself." He says to Genos and Tatsumaki before running off with latter.

"I think you need to chill out." The Mad Cyborg says.

The Mad Cyborg fires a jet of ice towards Genos, who manages to dodge the blast.

Genos analyzes the temperature of the blast marks and is shocked by the readings.

"Absolute Zero?" Genos says in shock.

"You see now Genos?" The Mad Cyborg says. "Your abilities pale in comparison to mine. I'm not even trying."

"Don't flatter yourself." Genos replies.

The Mad Cyborg charges at Genos with a barrage of punches. Genos manages to block or dodge them all.

"Machine Gun Blow." Genos says before unleashing his counter-attack of a flurry of rapid punches at The Mad Cyborg.

When the smoke clears, Genos realizes that he missed The Mad Cyborg.

"Well done." The Mad Cyborg says. "You almost managed to hit me, but you're too slow."

"What do you mean?" Genos asks. "Can you see the future?"

"I am the future, Genos." The Mad Cyborg says.

"W-What?" Genos says confused.

"Firing S.A.M type-14!" The Mad Cyborg says, his chest opening to reveal a guided missile inside.

"S.A.M type missiles?" Genos says. "How did you manage to get your metallic hands on anti-matter?"

"That doesn't matter." The Mad Cyborg says, firing the missile.

"Sorry I'm late." (y/n) says, rushing back into the combat room.

(y/n) grabs the anti-matter missile in mid-flight.

"Yeet!" (y/n) says and throws the missile upwards, sending it crashing into the ceiling.

"We gotta make a run for it!" Genos says. "That missile contained anti-matter!"

"What the hell is anti-matter?" (y/n) asks.

"No time to explain!" Genos yells. "Run for it!"

(y/n) and Genos quickly run for the exit, and The Mad Cyborg runs for the other exit.

The antimatter blast grows and grows in size, tearing apart the combat room and tearing through the Earth's crust, until it collapses under its own weight into a marble sized neutron star. The Mad Cyborg enters the now destroyed combat room and picks up extremely bright star using a specialized robot he picked up on the way back.

"This is... interesting to say the least." The Mad Cyborg says in fascination.

"beep boop?" The robot asks. 

"No this isn't edible." The Mad Cyborg replies.

Back at the surface...

"You ruined my chance at avenging my parents!" Genos says angrily to (y/n). "If you hadn't intervened then I could've defeated him!"

"(y/n) saved your life!" Tatsumaki argues with Genos. "If he hadn't then you would've been dead!"

(y/n) puts his hand on Tatsumaki's shoulder.

"Genos is right Tats." (y/n) says. "I shouldn't have."

"You're gonna let him yell at you when you were doing the right thing?" Tatsumaki says in disbelief. "I can't believe you!"

Tatsumaki walks off angrily.

"Tats-" (y/n) says, before cutting himself off with a sigh.

"Here, take this." (y/n) says to Genos. "You'll need it way more than I do."

(y/n) tosses a microchip and a bag of Jet-Puffed marshmallows to Genos.

Genos catches them and looks at the chip confused, setting aside the bag of marshmallows before inserting the chip into his arm. A holographic image is displayed.

"T-This is..." Genos says in awe. "Blueprints and information about The Mad Cyborg!"

Genos looks back at (y/n) to thank him, only to find that (y/n) had already left. Most likely after Tatsumaki.

Genos looks back at the holographic image.

"Wait a minute..." Genos says, looking closer at the information. "T-This can't be-"

(y/n)'s location...

"Jeez where could Tats have gone off to?" (y/n) grumbles.

"Oi! (y/n)!" Tatsumaki says. "I got lost, thank goodness you found me!"

Tatsumaki runs up to and hugs (y/n), much to his surprise.

"So, you forgive me?" (y/n) asks.

"I can't stay mad at such a cute face." Tatsumaki replies.

(y/n) breaks free of Tatsumaki's hug and stumbles backwards.

"What are you doing?" Tatsumaki asks with a giggle. "You sure are acting weird."

"You're not Tats." (y/n) says. "I know what Tats would say in a situation like this. I would've been yelled at and slapped by now."

Tatsumaki just chuckles. This time in a more eerie tone.

"Seems like you're... more keen... than I thought..." The fake Tatsumaki says, her voice turning more distorted.

The fake Tatsumaki's skin becomes goopy, the color turning purple.

"Remember me now (y/n)?" The entity says.

"Y-You're that purple entity from before." (y/n) says in shock. "What are you doing here again and what did you do to Tats?"

"Tats? That's what you call her now?" The entity now returning to it's original form. "I don't know, as a matter of fact I was going to ask you that."

"Now isn't the time for jokes." (y/n) says. "If you even lay a single goopy finger on her, I'll remove my barriers."

"Your barriers?" The entity questions. "I would like to know more about them, but instead I need something from you."

"Something from me?" (y/n) says confused. "What do you want from me?"

"What do I want?" The entity says. "I need a favor."

A.N - Woo, another chapter down. Seems like an old enemy needs a favor, I wonder what it is... But I'll leave that to your imagination (and the next chapter). The Mad Cyborg seems to be hiding a lot about his past. Wonder what he means by he is the future... (BTW S.A.M means 'Seeking Anti-matter Missile'.)

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