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Nobody's POV

"What?" Tatsumaki says in surprise. "They sent Genos over?"

"Looks like it." (y/n) says, looking at his phone.

"They thought that the 2 highest rank S Class heroes couldn't handle themselves?" Tatsumaki says. "The thought frustrates me."

(y/n) tries to explain why sending Genos as a reinforcement isn't a bad thing. Tatsumaki just replies with a 'hmph'.

(y/n) and Tatsumaki make their way over to the designated meeting point, a helipad just a mile or so away from the hotel. After a few minutes, they see Genos fly in from the horizon.



Genos stars to make his descent, using his incineration cannons as thrusters to navigate him towards a helipad. After some flashy maneuvers, he lands on the helipad.

"Just gotta make your entrance as flashy as possible, eh?" (y/n) says. "I have no idea what this mission is about, so I hope you got all the details."

"I shall inform you about this assignment" Genos says. "A recent upsurge in monster attacks in (vacation destination) had caught the Hero Association's attention. They want us to find the monster base and destroy its control room, hopefully killing the source of the monsters while at it."

"Stupid clawed pervert." Tatsumaki mutters in anger.

"The current location of where the monsters base of operations is currently unknown. That is why the hero association sent me, to try and location any frequencies that the base may emit." Genos says.

"Hold on!" says Tatsumaki. "I can easily just use my psychic powers to locate the monster base! Why did the hero association just let me do it?"

"Perhaps you cannot detect the frequencies the base emits." Genos says. "Or maybe the hero association thought your psychic powers weren't strong enough for it."

Angered by Genos's words, Tatsumaki uses her psychic powers to fling Genos up into the air.

"How's this for psychic power?" Tatsumaki yells angrily.

Genos flies back down to the helipad, seemingly unscathed.

"C-Calm down Tats!" (y/n) says. "We've got a mission do to!"

"I've gotta beat some sense into this tin can!" Tatsumaki says furiously. "I'm gonna-"

Genos puts his hand over Tatsumaki's mouth.

"I sense strong electromagnetic waves coming from directly underground." Genos warns. "Be wary for an attack."

"No problemo" (y/n) says. "I'll just reach them first."

(y/n) clenches his hand into a fist. He then slams it into the ground and starts spinning rapidly. (like a spinning one-handed handstand)

(y/n) starts descending at a rapid rate.

"Guess that's one way to do it." Tatsumaki says, looking down the hole (y/n) drilled.

About 1/4 mile underground, the human-drill hits something metallic.

"Oi!" (y/n) shouts to Tatsumaki and Genos. "I think I found it! You can hop on down!"

(y/n) pries the metal apart and hops in. Tatsumaki and Genos arrive a few seconds later.

(y/n) looks at his surroundings. The monster base is not like the Monster Association, it's a lot more high-tech.

"I hear footsteps" Tatsumaki says. "I'll make a psychic barrier that'll make us look invisible."

Tatsumaki makes a green barrier that envelops (y/n), Genos, and herself.

"This will be useful." Genos says, looking at the barrier.

"You glad I'm here now?" Tatsumaki says, then turns to (y/n). "The barrier takes a lot of psychic power to manifest, I'll only be able to maintain it for about half an hour. So make this mission quick."

"Roger that." (y/n) says.

Genos says that he had a secondary objective, to search for intel about this base and how it could continue making monsters. Then runs off.

"Let him do his own thing." Tatsumaki says. "Let's focus on our half of the assignment."

"Right." (y/n) says and starts walking down a hallway.

(Y/n) suddenly stops.

"What's the matter?" Tatsumaki asks.

"What was the assignment again?" (y/n) asked.

"You're hopeless..." Tatsumaki says with a sigh.

(y/n) and Tatsumaki decide to split up in order to find the control room faster.

Tatsumaki decides to go around the hallways to pick up some intel as well. (y/n) starts punching through the walls.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?!" Tatsumaki yells.

"Going the short way." (y/n) simply replies. "I'm invisible, so they won't see me."

"They'll see the damage you caused!" Tatsumaki says. "Idiot!" Then firmly slaps (y/n).

"Oww." (y/n) says, rubbing his cheek. "That hurt ya know!"

"You deserved it!" Tatsumaki says angrily. "At this rate they'll-"

Tatsumaki is interrupted by an alarm blaring.

"See what I mean?!" Tatsumaki says, slapping (y/n)'s other cheek.

(y/n) and Tatsumaki are suddenly surrounded by hundreds of robotic guards. (y/n) don't worry that much, but suddenly one of the guards fires a gun at him, hitting (y/n) directly on the chest.

"(y-y-y/n)!" Tatsumaki says, quickly rushing over to (y/n)'s side. "Are you ok?"

"hehehe." (y/n) chuckles. "I caught the bullet!" He says in triumph, dropping the bullet on the ground. "Wait a sec, how'd that robot know where we were despite us being invisible?"

"It must've been 30 minutes already!" Tatsumaki says. "I spent too much time arguing with you!"

"Now's not the time!" (y/n) says. "I'll just punch 'em all."

A few minutes of robotic chaos later...

That takes care of the giant army of nuts and bolts." Tatsumaki says, compressing them into a cube the size of a baseball."

"Let's go find Genos." (y/n) suggests. "He probably found the control room already."

In their search for Genos, Tatsumaki and (y/n) manage to find the control room, but can't find Genos. They discuss what to do next when their conversation is interrupted by a loud 'BOOM'. Tatsumaki and (y/n) run down the many hallways until they find the origin of the sound, a large combat testing room.

"Are you the cyborg that attacked my home town?" Genos says to a mysterious cyborg.

"Depends on where you once lived." The cyborg replies.

"Answer my question." Genos says firmly. "Are you the cyborg that attacked my home town?"

"It doesn't matter anymore." The cyborg says. "What does matter, is if you remember the name 'The Mad Cyborg'."

A.N - And that's another chapter done! Sorry this one took so long, school is starting soon once again and chapters may be slower to publish, but I'll try my best.

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