The End of The Invasion

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Nobody's POV

"I applaud your efforts upon reaching here." The alien says. "My name is Lord Boros.  I am the leader of the Dark Matter Thieves."

"Dark Matter Thieves?" (y/n) says. "You're the guy behind the attack?"

"I have been searching for a life form that could rekindle my excitement for battle." Lord Boros says. "After many conquests of planets and entire galaxies I have-"

"Shut up!" Saitama interrupts. "Summarize it in 20 words or less!"

"He's the guy who destroyed many supermarkets" (y/n) summarizes.

"(y/n)" Saitama says. "Leave this guy to me, you go help the other heroes."

"You sure you'll be alright?" (y/n) asks.

"Yeah. I'll be alright." Saitama says. "This just got personal."

(y/n) punches the floor, leaving a hole in it. (y/n) then jumps through it, landing behind Melzargard.

"(y/n)! You arrived just in time!" Iaian shouts.

"Eh? I did?" (y/n) says.

"This monsters. He seems invulnerable to every attack we throw at him!" Iaian informs (y/n).

"Another life form." Melzargard says, towering over (y/n). "He seems stronger than the rest."

Melzargard leans down to (y/n).

"Do I frighten you?" Melzargard says.

"Your breath stinks." (y/n) says.

(y/n) punches Melzargard's face, blowing the heads into pieces. As the other heroes are left astonished by the physical power of (y/n), (y/n) notices 5 blue marbles on the floor.

"Oh sweet, some marbles." (y/n) says and leans down to pick them up.

"Give those back!" Melzargard shouts.

"Oh sure." (y/n) says and throws them at Melzargard.

The marbles travel through the air so fast, that the vaporize into dust before they even collide with Melzargard. Who melts into a gooey mess.

"All that work from 4 S class Heroes and an A class hero, yet you couldn't even finish it off before (y/n) arrived?" Tatsumaki says, slowly descending from above. "Maybe you should start over from C class."

"It's not like you did anything to help!" (y/n) shouted.

"What was that?" Tatsumaki says angrily. "Did you just try to defy me?"

"And if I was?" (y/n) says.

"Listen here you!" Tatsumaki says, pressing her head against (y/n)'s. "If you try that one more time, I swear I'll-"

"Well, you 2 seem like you make a nice couple." Bang interrupts with a chuckle.

Suddenly embarrassed and turning a shade of red, Tatsumaki averts her anger towards Bang. Berating him for saying nonsense.

Suddenly, the alien ship creaks and groans. Then suddenly starts to fall from the sky.

"The ship's gonna crash. Make your way towards the Hero Association building." Metal Bat says.

"Seems like your telekinetic powers did help us after all." (y/n) says, giving her a pat on the back. Before sprinting away at Mach 2, easily running past the other S class heroes.

Tatsumaki is left confused. She looks at the crashing ship. I didn't do that... She thought. Then who did?

After the ship came crashing down, (y/n) and Tatsumaki go closer to the ship. Soon before Saitama punched his way out of the ship.

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