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Nobody's POV

(y/n) wakes up. He's in the forest.

"Enjoy your nap?" Scarlett says.

"That way you smashed through the force field was hella cool dude!" Luis says. "You went like BOOM and the forcefield shattered like a piece of glass and-"

"Let's fill him in on the briefing." Gunner says. "We're going to be trying to infiltrate the armory. It's heavily guarded by robots, but they've got enough weapons in that barricaded shed to supply an entire army."

"How do we get in then?" (y/n) asks.

"You have that arm of yours." Pi says. "I can use it as a terminal to hack it's defenses."

"Seems simple enough." (y/n) replies.

(y/n) hold out his arm and Pi opens up a panel, revealing a holographic screen. Pi quickly sets to work, opening up panels and typing in binary and other sci-fi things (y/n) can't comprehend.

"Aaaand done!" Pi says, slamming the panel shut.

A few seconds later, the door to the armory blasts open, causing a large electromagnetic pulse to disable the robots patrolling the area.

"Alright, lets go." Gunner says, running from the trees and quickly bolting into the armory.

"He ran off faster than a bullet!" Luis says.

"That can not be physically possible from a normal human." Pi says. "According to my calculations, from the universe Gunner is from, the fastest person from his world was under 30 mph. Bullets can travel faster than the speed of sound."

"You take things too literally Pi." Luis says.

"You boys done fighting?" Scarlett says. "I think we should also go equip ourselves with weaponry."

"You're right." Luis says, getting up. "Which one is your staff again?"

"My staff?" Scarlett says. "It's the one with a bright red gem on the tip."

"This one?" Luis says, holding a staff matching Scarlett's description.

"How'd you-?" Scarlett says surprised. 

"They don't call me the Paragon of Speed for nothing." Luis says.

"Did you see Gunner inside?" (y/n) says. "He's been in there for quite a while."

"No I didn't." Luis says. "Where is he?"

"I'll go inside and search for him." (y/n) says.

(y/n) quickly goes inside the armory. Making sure to avoid the short-circuited robots just in case they might reboot.

Inside he discovers that Gunner's statement was true. Every square inch is filled with cybernetic firearms and weapons. There's even a couple of tanks inside.

He reaches a door labeled "Files Room" and goes through it. He finds Gunner inside looking at a screen with a bunch of text scrolling down.

"H-Hey Gunner?" (y/n) says nervously, slowly approaching him. "Everything alright?"

(y/n) takes a look at the screen. Among the phrases racing down the screen, a few of them catch his eye before they scroll past. Those phrases include: "Total annihilation", "multi-verse scale invasion", "simultaneous strike", and "unstoppable force".

"(y/n)..." Gunner says. "The Emperor is going to launch a simultaneous attack on the universes the Paragons are from. I'm afraid we'll have to go to each of our respective ones instead of fight alongside you. I'm sorry."

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