Distant Planet Doppelganger

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Nobody's POV

"Not a step closer!" The voice boomed. "Or I'll have to use all my might to stop you!"

(y/n), still not sure on what's happening, takes a single step forward.


A thunderous boom could be heard. Looking up, Tatsumaki sees 5 small planetoids crashing down upon them.

With a quick swipe of her hand, she telekinetically hurls them back from where they came.

"Oh, an Esper? Not too common of a bloodline here." The voice says.

"Bloodline?" Tatsumaki says curiously. "What do you mean?"

(y/n) feels the presence of another being. He activates a heat-seeking feature on his arm while the voice talks to Tatsumaki. He scans the surrounding area and sees the figure, hiding behind some bushes.

(y/n) slowly creeps up on it and springs on top of it.

"Aaaaah!" The voice says, now high-pitched instead of being a thunderous boom.

(y/n) lifts up the surprisingly small creature to get a better look at it.

It was kinda chubby, it looked like a kangaroo rat but with the size of a house cat. Not to mention that it had what appeared to be a bush on it's back.

"Let me go human!" The creature says, wiggling and squirming in (y/n)'s hands.

Tatsumaki approaches the creature with a stern look.

"Uhh, listen we can talk about this-" The creature says nervously. "I didn't mean to-"

"Shut up." Tatsumaki says.

She leans in and grabs the creature from (y/n)'s hands.

"You're so..." Tatsumaki says. "Adorable!"

"Eh?" The creature says confused.

Tatsumaki hugs the creature tightly as if it were a stuffed animal. (y/n) looked at Tatsumaki and compared her to a child who had just got a teddy bear for Christmas. 

Once Tatsumaki's childish acts were over, she quickly turned back into her serious self.

"Now, you got some explaining to do." Tatsumaki says.

"Y-Yes, I'll explain everything." The creature says.

The creature introduced herself as an Kabesp (pronounced Cab-es-p), a type of forest-dwelling animal that evolved a bush on their backs for camouflage. She also explains that the 'god' was her. She was trying to protect her village from (y/n) and Tatsumaki, whom she thought were poachers. 

She then told the duo her name: Cassie. She tells them about the bloodline trait she said earlier. Cassie says that once a person is born, it's parents will decide what special ability that baby will get, and the parent's choices are based on their income. High-income parents will get more powerful and more choices of abilities than low-income individuals.

Each special ability impacts the economy by boosting their food source with weather control or help defend the planet with laser eyes or telekinesis.

"So telekinesis is ranked high up on the tier system?" Tatsumaki asks.

"Yes, in fact it's one of the top 10 abilities." Cassie replies.

"What's the best ability?" (y/n) asks.

"I-I don't know, it's only wielded by the emperor of the planet and his descendants." Cassie says. "Almost none is known about it."

"So your entire future rests on the shoulders of your parent's income." (y/n) says.

"Yeah." Cassie says with a sigh. "It's not fair at all."

"What's your power?" Tatsumaki asks. "You're not a human."

"My ability?" Cassie says. "I'll show you."

Cassie touches a nearby tree and shakes the bush on her back. The shrub emits a faint glow and sparkling dust that can best be described as glitter fall like hundreds of small snowflakes. The glow suddenly shines brightly, enveloping Cassie in a cloak of light. When the light fades, Cassie has turned into an exact replica of the tree she had just touched.

"Wow!" (y/n) says. "You're a shape-shifter?"

"Yup." Cassie says, reverting back to her usual self. "Let me tell the others you guys are harmless."

"Others?" Tatsumaki says confused.

Cassie emits noises that sound like chirps and squeaks. Soon, dozens of skyscraper-sized trees start turning into Kabespi (plural for Kabesp). They swarm around Tatsumaki and (y/n), looking at the two as if they were on display or something.

"I think I'm gonna die of cuteness." Tatsumaki says.

After some Kabesp squeaks and many hugs from Tatsumaki, the Kabespi allow the duo to pass through the forest. Upon reaching the forest's edge, (y/n) and Tatsumaki come face to face with a giant metropolitan city, comparable to the city Bob lived in.

"Look at that!" (y/n) says, marveling all the futuristic tech. "Let's try to find some answers."

"Yeah." Tatsumaki says.

(y/n) and Tatsumaki enter through the giant front arch leading into the city. Tatsumaki and (y/n) both thought the inhabitants looked almost too human for a planet so far away from earth. Guess it made their job easier to sneak through.

As (y/n) and Tatsumaki walk through the city trying to find the emperor's residence, they get these weird looks from the civilians and all the civilians kneel as they pass. Around the corner, two giant armored mechs with a shoulder pad labelled 'patrol' march up to the duo.

The cockpit opens up and two soldiers hop out. They then get onto one knee.

"Empress! What are you doing here?" One soldier says. "You were supposed to be gone for another half-century!"

"Eh? Empress?" Tatsumaki says confused.

A.N - Now let's start with the obvious: I made this up. I got bored but then saw a video of kangaroo mice and thought "What if they had a bush on their back and could camouflage themselves if they laid flat on their belly?" Think of it like a Kikwi. Also, Demon Slayer fanfic is out! (Yayy!). Finally, I thought it would be cool to have Tatsumaki as an empress because we already have a Child Emperor, so why not have Tatsumaki (who is close enough to a child, don't tell her I said that) be an empress? Basically a near polar opposite. K that's all, and if you like Demon Slayer then consider checking out my other fanfic.

K bye.

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