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Nobody's POV

"H-He blocked it?" Tatsumaki says in shock after witnessing Edwards feat of strength.

"Checkmate." Edwards says.

Immediately after, Edward engages in a fistfight with (y/n) both of them throwing hundreds of punches a per second that easily break the sound barrier.

This guy... (y/n) thinks to himself while the fight ensues. He's slowly whittling down my defense.

Edward suddenly withdraws from the fight, jumping a few feet back before launching (y/n) away using Tatsumaki's telekinesis.

Not wanting to watch (y/n) get tossed around like a rag doll, Tatsumaki gets up and uses her own telekinesis to fight Edward's copies version.

After a few moments of fighting between psychic energies, Tatsumaki seems to gain the upper hand after managing to throw him into one of the crumbled buildings. She then collapses onto the ground, having exerted more psychic energy then she was normally used to.

However, Edward gets back up and brushes off some debris, having switched back to (y/n)'s third limiter power in time. He starts walking over to a defenseless Tatsumaki when suddenly a small pebble is launched towards his head at half the speed of light.

He moves his head back and the pebble only grazes him on his cheek. Edward looks over to where the rubble that (y/n) had been launched into. Suddenly, the pile of debris burst open violently. The futuristic metal alloy instantly vaporized into dust instantly, revealing (y/n) in a stance similar to the ones he had previously taken when opening a limiter.

"Are you stupid?" Edward says. "You're just going to give me more power."

(y/n) doesn't answer. Instead, he motions to Tatsumaki to get away as fast as possible.

Instead he rushes forward with such speed, Edward can't see him. As he looks around, he suddenly backflips away as (y/n) comes crashing down with an axe kick that destroys the entire area with the same force as a category 8 meteor on the Torino scale.

Despite suffering from the consequences of overexertion, Tatsumaki manages to muster what little power she had left and flies away. She looks down at the massive crater (y/n) left behind from the sky, the crater has leveled the entire city and parts of the forest as well.

"What kind of power does (y/n) even contain?" Tatsumaki says to herself in shock and awe. 

Suddenly, someone whooshed by Tatsumaki. She was unable to identify who it was, but she does know it went it one of this planet's 3 moons.

Down at the surface, (y/n) looks around through the dust. Edward seems to have been able to dodge it.

After not seeing him for a few seconds, (y/n) makes a quick sweep of the surrounding area. Moving so fast that it takes less than a second to clear the area.

Tatsumaki flies down when (y/n) finished his brief search.

"(y/n)!" Tatsumaki says while descending. "I saw something fly past me. I don't know where it went, but it went to 1 of 3 of this planet's moons!"

"This planet has three moons?" (y/n) says confused.

"If you had actually looked up during our 'stay' you wouldn't noticed." Tatsumaki says, crossing her arms. "Look, I'm going to-"

She's suddenly stops and falls to the ground when a sudden pain surges through her body.

"Tats! Are you alright?" (y/n) asks worryingly.

"Yeah, I'm- ngh, fine." Tatsumaki says.

"You stay here, I'll take a look." (y/n) says, before jumping up towards the moon, leaving another giant crater.

(y/n) lands on one of the moons orbiting and takes a look around. Surprisingly, due to his energy aura, he is not affected by the vacuum of space. His discovery is short lived however, as the second moon suddenly shatters violently.

A huge unknown entity erupts from inside the moon, it's size rivaling even planets.

"W-Wha-" Tatsumaki says, looking at the entity from below.

"What the hell is that?" (y/n) says in pure shock.

The entity looks like a bunch of scribbles made into a humanoid figure. It's flesh is riddled with uneven holes, like aerogel under a microscope.

"Tch, how the hell am I supposed to fight that?" (y/n) says. "I'm running out of time."

A sudden whooshing sound comes from behind (y/n). He quickly turns around to see what he believes to be a human.

"Ah, so you're S Class rank 1." The man says. "I expected no less."

"Who are you?" (y/n) asks.

"I'm not your enemy." The man calmly replies. "You know me as Blast. Former S Class rank 1, replaced by you. I guess that's what I get for being so inactive."

Blast shrugs and spins some kind of cube on his finger.

"Great, I could use all the help I can get against that." (y/n) says, pointing to the entity.

The entity suddenly shifts towards (y/n), and starts talking to him through telepathy.

"Impressive. I see you are a very capable life form." The entity says.

"Who the hell are you?" (y/n) asks.

"You once knew me as Edward." The entity says. "But now, you may call me as God."

A.N - School has started again, and I am not looking forward to it. We've finally looped back to something that is relatively canon! Hopefully God will put up a good fight.

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