A God Level Threat?

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Nobody's POV

At Hero Association HQ (A week after the Monster Association Raid)...

"But this is..." A Hero Association employee says in shock.

"What is it?" Another member says.

"Look at the radar, it's picking up signals from 25 different aircraft in space." The member says. "I'll go get Sitch."

Sitch soon arrives at the room.

"What's going on?" He says.

"Look at the radar, 25 large spacecraft seem to be closing in on earth. Each of them seem to be locked on an individual city." The Hero Association member says.

"T-That's not possible, we should've gotten rid of all the monsters." Sitch says, panicking. "Call for an emergency evacuation to the underground safety labyrinth."

"Very well, what's the disaster level?" Another hero association member says.

"This is Dragon, without a doubt." Sitch says. "No, this could even be God." 

(y/n) comes into the room, sipping on a drink.

"I think I'm lost." (y/n) says. "Can you give me directions?"

"(y/n)! Just the man I wanted to see." Sitch says, quickly bringing (y/n) over to the radar.

Sitch explains everything to (y/n), who understands the dire situation.

"What do we do?" (y/n) says. "We only have so many heroes."

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Sitch says. "Gather all the S class heroes for another meeting."

At the meeting room.

"Come on, another meeting?" Tatsumaki says. "If we're gonna have this many meetings, I might as well live here."

Sitch walks in with (y/n), who takes a seat at his chair.

"This is a dire situation." Sitch says. "Our radar has picked up 25 unknown spacecraft in space, and each on is locked onto a different city. In our current situation, we think that the spacecraft will launch a simultaneous assault."

"So we just each go to a city to protect it." Atomic Samurai says.

"That's the problem." Sitch replies. "There are not enough S Class heroes to protect each city, plus some of you can't fight airborne enemies."

"Well, there is a work-around." (y/n) says.

"What is that?" Sitch asks.

"We go to them." (y/n) says. "We're gonna go to space and fight the aircraft there."

Some discussion follows. Eventually Sitch agrees with the proposition.

"Very well, meet up at the Z City launch site tomorrow, we can only hope that the aliens are charging up something." Sitch says.

The next day...

"I've never been in a rocket before." Saitama says.

"I think that goes for all of us." (y/n) replies.

"Why did we have to bring the B Class along?" Tatsumaki says. "This was supposed to be a S Class mission."

"I'd ask the same on why they allowed a child to go to space." Saitama says.

"Why you-!" Tatsumaki says.

"Now boarding, please make your way to the shuttle in 5 minutes." an announcer says.

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