Epilogue: A World Without Monsters

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(y/n)'s POV

Ring, ring, ring

"Morning already?" I question as I get up. "The sun's not even up..."

I slowly make my way to the kitchen, Tatsumaki is already up and making breakfast.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." She says jokingly.

"Morning Tats." I reply.

As I sit down, I reflect back to that day 2 years ago.

News of our return had the world ecstatic. However, since there were no more monsters, the Hero Association closed it's doors. Every hero that was a part of the organization was given a sort of goodbye gift, in the form of a check who's value depended on rank. 

However, many ex-heroes had no place to go after the association released them. So many decided to work as police officers or government personnel. Life has certainly gotten a lot more boring, I will admit that, but I enjoy the peace and quiet.

After a day or so, Tatsumaki and I decided to settle down and buy an apartment. We tried our best to keep the location hidden, since reports wouldn't stop bothering us, but someone found out and the news spread. It wasn't until Tatsumaki got fed up with the reporters and told them to never bother her again that they stopped.

Speaking of Tatsumaki, she learned that God had not taken her telekinetic powers, despite her saying so. As a matter of fact, God actually healed her powers since she had exhausted them all during her short outrage. Tatsumaki also finally embraced the fact that she had feelings for me and announced it to the public. To be honest, they weren't very surprised at the statement now that I think about it.

"What's so funny?" Tatsumaki says from the kitchen. "I can hear you chuckling from here."

"Oh, it's nothing." I say.


"Phew, I'm stuffed." I say satisfyingly.

"Mmm!" Tatsumaki squeals as she takes a bite out of her waffle. "I think this is the best one I've made so far!"

"Yeah..." I reply, looking at the smoke rising from the trashcan.

Someone knocks on the door.

"I'll go get it." I say, getting up.

I open the door and see the mailman. He hands me a stack of letters and heads off.

"Anything interesting this time?" Tatsumaki says, before taking another bite of her waffle.

"No, it's more interview letters." I reply.

I skim through the letters briefly, and one catches my attention.

"What's this?" I say, looking at the letter. "Deep Space Exploration?"

"Lemme see!" Tatsumaki says, telekinetically snatching the letter from my hands.

She rips the letter open and reads it aloud.

"Greetings (y/n) and Tatsumaki. I know this is pretty short notice, but we are launching a deep space colonization campaign in an effort to make humans a multi-planetary species, and we plan to have you 2 as a couple of our 2 dozen explorers. I hope you consider the offer."

Tatsumaki and I just look at each other, contemplating whether we should go or not. In the end, we both nod and Tatsumaki shreds the paper to bits.

"I think I've had enough space exploration for quite a while." I say.

"Yeah, me too." Tatsumaki replies.

Tatsumaki finishes her breakfast and we eventually decide to go outside for a walk. We walk together while holding hands until we eventually reach a coffee shop, next to a park.

"Remember this place?" Tatsumaki says. "It's where you nonchalantly invited me for coffee, and pretty much our first date."

"Yeah, hard to believe that was nearly 3 years ago." I reply with nostalgia in my voice.

"Want to grab a coffee before we head back?" Tatsumaki asks.

"Sure." I say, opening the door.

We leave after grabbing our coffees, still holding hands. Tatsumaki decides to go to the park, and I agree. It's autumn now, and leaves have started to fall.

"Ohh! Look at that pile!" Tatsumaki says, setting her coffee down.

She wastes no time to jump into the pile of leaves, I simply smile as I compare her to a small child. Tatsumaki eventually gets up and we continue. As we walk, we chat and laugh about various things in the past, although Tatsumaki refuses to let me talk about certain events out in public.

Tatsumaki wants to stop for a little while, and we find a park bench to sit on. We both look at the horizon, sipping our coffee.

As the sun starts to rise.

A.N - That's it for this fanfiction! Thank you all for staying around till the end, despite my awful updating schedule. Hope you enjoyed (y/n) and Tatsumaki's adventure! If you enjoyed reading this, consider checking out my other fanfiction! 

Until then, Bye!

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