Green Haired Esper

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(y/n)'s POV

I wake up at about 7:00. After my placement in S class, reporters have been flocking to my house. Eager to get even a word of new information.

I get dressed and walk out my door. Only to be greeted by a small child.

"I don't know who you are, but who makes you think that you can take my spot as S class Rank 2?" She says furiously.

I just yawn and walk past her, not interested in her shenanigans. 

Wait, did she say she was S class Rank? I think to myself

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" She says angrily and hovers over to me. "I asked you a question and you have to answer it."

"Yeah yeah, could you go back to your parents? I'm kind of preoccupied." I say and walk off again.

"I-I'm 28!" She says angrily. She then begins to glow a light-green hue around herself and starts floating. She then uses her her telekinesis on me. "Let's see how you feel about 10,000 times the Earth's gravitational pull."

I look at my watch, back to her, then at my feet. They're being crushed into the floor, but the floor is crumbling instead of my entire body.

"Look, I'm kind of in a rush. I'll settle this later, you wanna grab coffee at 5?"

"Are you seriously asking me on a date in this situation?!" She yells angrily. She then notices that I'm not fazed by her telekinetic powers.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that." I say.

She halts her attack and crosses her arms. "I'll make an exception, but you better not think that I'm doing this because I like you. Idiot!" She says and flies off.

What's her deal? I think to myself.

Later that day...

I wait outside the cafe, sipping my coffee and ignoring all the civilian's requests for an autograph.

"Oi, I'm down here idiot." I hear a familiar voice call out.

I look down and see the furious look on the Esper's face.

"Oh, sorry I didn't think you'd actually come." I apologize. I hold out another cup of coffee towards her. "Latte?"

"Of course I came! Not because I wanted to..." She says and grabs the cup.

"You know, I didn't happen to catch your name at my apartment." I say to her.

"You don't know who I am?" She says, raising her voice. "My name's Tatsumaki, Tornado of Terror and I'm..." She cuts off. "Now S class Rank 3." She continues to say in a small voice.

"Must suck to be you I guess." I say and sip my coffee.

"It DOES suck! Having to be outranked by an idiot sucks!" She yells.

"My name is (y/n), now you don't have a reason to call me an idiot." I reply and continue to sip my coffee.

Furious, she uses her telekinesis powers to yeet the cup of coffee out of my hands.

"My coffee!" I say in dismay.

(RIP coffee, 2021-2021)

"Listen here you!" She says, floating right in front my face. "I don't care who you think you are, but you better pipe down before I launch you into the stratosphere!"

"...You're kinda cute." I say.

Her face suddenly turns a shade of red. "What do you think you're saying, pervert!" She says in surprise.

"I was telling the truth..." I reply.

Her face turns an even deeper shade of red and buries her head in her hands. After a few minutes, she returns with the furious attitude.

"I don't know what you think you are, some kind of smooth hero, inviting me for coffee and then sweet-talking me. You're a idiot and a pervert!" She yells, then flies off.

A.N - you met the Tsundere of OPM, Tatsumaki! Lets hope she doesn't call you a Baka till the end of time.

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