The Emperor's Plan

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Nobody's POV

"Empress?" Tatsumaki says surprised.

"Is something wrong?" One of the soldiers says.

"N-Nothing's wrong!" Tatsumaki quickly replies.

"Who is this?" The other soldier says, pointing to (y/n).

"He must be it." The first soldier says.

The soldiers lead them to the emperor's residence, a large skyscraper in the middle of the city.

The soldiers leave to continue their patrols, and Tatsumaki walks in along with (y/n).

The many guards inside the building direct them to the top floor, which is where the emperor lives.

A guard informs them that every since of the Empress's disappearance, the tower has been fitted with a force-field that blocks any type of matter, and vaporizes it. 

The only reason Tatsumaki was able to get through was because she was DNA-scanned when she was nearing the entrance, and her DNA confirmed she was the Empress. 

As the guard continues to escort her, he also explains that (y/n) was able to get in because he was accompanying Tatsumaki.

They reach the final floor, and the guard departs.

(y/n) looks around, and Tatsumaki goes to the main room.

"Ah, I see you're back dear." The Emperor says.

"Did you miss me?" Tatsumaki says.

Tatsumaki realizes she has to pretend she is the Empress for the time being.

(y/n) walks in, catching the Emperor's attention.

"Hello!" The Emperor greets, shaking (y/n)'s hand. "Pleasure to meet you, I've heard a lot about you despite just meeting you."

"Nice to meet you too." (y/n) says. "I'm-"

"Oh, no need to introduce yourself. I already know who you are, Paragon." The Emperor says. "My name is Edward."

"Paragon?" (y/n) says confused.

"You forgot?" Edward says.

Edward informs (Y/n) that the Paragons are 6 people with powers surpassing normal limits. 5 other Paragons have already been assembled to the Empress volunteered to find the last one.

"Ok, so why do you need Paragons anyway?" (y/n) asks.

"To destroy a planet known as Earth." Edward says.

Edward then talks about why he wants to destroy Earth. Ever since Rob and Bob supplied Earth with their vast resources, his planet was left with nothing. Civil war soon broke out, resulting in a mass amount of lives being lost. He says that the only way to save his planet is for them to get more resources and for Earth to be wiped from the picture.

(Y/n) tries retaliating, trying to say that he is from Earth and will never betray it. But Tatsumaki sends a telepathic message saying that she doesn't know how strong the Paragons are. They probably already agreed to destroy Earth and if the other 5 Paragons are as strong as (y/n), they won't stand a chance at defeating them.

Ok so what should we do? (y/n) thinks.

Every Paragon is the best in the universe at one specific attribute. Tatsumaki informs. The only reason they're brought together is because each of their individual weaknesses are supported by other Paragon's strengths. So we got to find each of their weaknesses and exploit them.

(y/n) hesitates, but eventually agrees with Tatsumaki's plan.

"Let's meet the other Paragons shall we?" Edward says, then turns to Tatsumaki. "You stay here dear."

Edward leads (y/n) to a secret elevator underneath his desk. They descend until they arrive at their destination.

The elevator doors open to reveal a dimly lit room.

(y/n) steps out, but Edward quickly closes the elevator door and shoots back up to the skyscraper, leaving (y/n) stranded. (y/n) bangs on the wall, trying to break out.

"Best leave it, that wall is unbreakable." A voice says.

(y/n) turns around, and lamps are lit with fire by an seemly unknown source.

Now more illuminated, (y/n) can see 5 individuals in the room with him.

(y/n) is still confused, trying to process all the events.

"Who are you guys? Why am I here? Where is this place?" (y/n) asks frantically.

"Calm down there rookie." A man says. "Let me explain."

(y/n) sits down.

"We're the Paragons. Pleasure to meet you." He says.

A.N - Short chapter, but I got some events planned out. Just gotta stop procrastinating. Trying to juggle updates with this fanfic and the new Demon Slayer fanfic is kinda difficult. 

Gonna go sleep now.


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