Super Fight Tournament

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Nobody's POV

(y/n) takes a big stretch, having been released from the hospital a few days ago.

The public has also caught wind of Tatsumaki's and (y/n)'s relationship. With the media scrambling to Tatsumaki and (y/n) to tell them more about their relationship.

"Why doesn't the media know the meaning of personal time?" (y/n) grumbles to himself.

Someone knocks on the door.

"Great, another reporter." (y/n) says and walks to the door.

"Look I'm not interested in your-" (y/n) says as he opens the door.

(y/n) is surprised to see someone that's not holding a microphone and has a cameraman.

"We would like for you to enter in the 22nd Super Fight Tournament." The man says, holding out a ticket.

"Super Fight eh?" (y/n) says. "Sounds fun." (y/n) grabs the ticket.

The man walks off and (y/n) closes the door.

(y/n) hears another knock on the door.

"Maybe the guy forgot to say something." (y/n) says and walks over to the door.

"(y/n)! Is it true you not only are in love with Tornado, but also her younger sister? And that you have joined the Super Fight as well?" A reporter says.

"Aw great, here we go again." (y/n) mutters.


"Welcome to the 22nd Super Fight Tournament!" The announcer said.

(y/n) is in the room where all the other fighters are.

"Oh, hey (y/n)." Saitama says.

"Saitama? You're here too?" (y/n) says.

"Yeah, I entered when someone gave me this ticket." said Saitama.

"That's why you're wearing that wig?" (y/n) says.

"Yeah." Saitama replies.

"Fighters, please make your way to the arena!" The announcer says.

"Here we go." (y/n) says and walks out the stadium.

As the fighters walk out, they're greeted by cheers and applause. Except for Saitama, who was booed upon. (y/n) was greeted with an enormous applause and cheers from fan girls.

"First round is... (y/n) vs Zakos!" the announcer says.

(y/n) gets on the arena, and faces Zakos.

"Ready?" said the announcer. "Begin!"

Zakos charges at (y/n), aiming for his head. But (y/n) just slaps him away, sending Zakos hurdling through a wall.

"Z-Zakos was defeated with a single hit!" The announcer says, astonished. "Is (y/n) too powerful? Or is it that Zakos is just pathetically weak?"

As the rounds continued, with Saitama and (y/n) easily moving onto the semi-finals without even having a scratch on them.

In the end, Saitama is disqualified for wearing a wig. And (y/n) advances to the finals.

"And now for the final match. (y/n) vs Suiryu!" The announcer says.

"I may have taken damage from the last round. But I'll still defeat you." Suiryu says confidently.

"Don't flatter yourself." (y/n) replies.

"Ready... Begin!" The announcer says.

Suiryu quickly runs behind (y/n) and delivers a quick barrage of powerful punches, but (y/n) simply dodges them and counterattacks with a quick slap, quickly defeating Suiryu.

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