Vs. Psykos

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Nobody's POV

"You'll never be able to defeat me, I am at the pinnacle of all life forms." Psykos boasts.

"Certainly not at the pinnacle of beauty..." (y/n) mutters.

"Trash talk all you want, I'm going to send you to the incinerator. Also known as hell!" Psykos says, unleashing a barrage of surrounding rubble.

(y/n) quickly dodges all of the incoming debris, making sure to deflect any that were about to hit Tatsumaki and Genos. Then manages to land a solid punch, sending the Psykos-Orochi combination crashing onto the surrounding rubble.

"Good, you landed a good blow on me, as expected of S Class Rank 1." Psykos says, quickly regenerating the gaping hole in her chest. "But not good enough."

Psykos propels through the air, drop kicking (y/n), sending him tumbling onto the scattered cinder blocks and rebar. However, when Psykos looks at where (y/n)'s unconscious body is supposed to be, she doesn't see anything.

"What? Just an afterimage?" Psykos says, shocked.

"You bet." (y/n) says, reappearing behind her.

(y/n) barrages Psykos with a flurry of punches. The sheer force makes Psykos's body implode...
Into pebbles?

"You're not the only one who can duplicate themselves." Psykos says.

(y/n) turns around, to see 50 Psykos figures.

"Can you figure out which one is the real me? Each clone is made out of stone, imbued with my telekinetic power and each one of my rock clones has 30% of my power, you'll never get through them all." Psykos says.

"Wrong." (y/n) says with a smirk.

"W-What?!" Psykos says surprised.

(y/n) manifests 9 other clones as well. Shocking Psykos, and her clones as well.

"You copied my move?" Psykos says. "Impossible! You don't have telekinetic powers!"

"Eh, more like plagiarized." (y/n) and his clones say in unison. "And, these aren't clones, I'm just moving so fast that my afterimages become solid bodies."

Before Psykos has a chance to attack, (y/n) and his 9 other clones charge at Psykos's clones. Devastating the formation, the remaining clones desperately try to reorganize into a battle formation, but are reduced to gravel in mere seconds. Leaving just the original Psykos in critial condition.

"I... have not lost yet." Psykos says, standing up. "I will destroy you!"

Psykos's body suddenly starts to grow rapidly. (y/n) quickly gets Genos and Tatsumaki out of harms way. Before facing Psykos again, who has rooted herself into the ground, absorbing energy from all the monsters unfortunate enough to get caught in the crossfire.

"I don't think this tree is helping the environment..." (y/n) says.

As (y/n)'s clones disperse, Tatsumaki, who has now regained consciousness, slowly gets back on her feet. (y/n) rushes to help her.

"Are you alright? You should rest a little longer." (y/n) says.

"No way, I still got some fight left in me." Tatsumaki says. "Psykos's psychic power keeps on getting stronger by the minute."

"If you're gonna fight her, I'm gonna help." (y/n) says. "I can't exactly fly, so I'm gonna need your help on that."

"Very well." Tatsumaki says, giving (y/n) some temporary psychic power. "With the energy I gave you, you should be able to stay airborne for about 2 hours. Be warned, any psychic power you use beyond flying will reduce the time you can stay in the air."

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