Total Relaxation... Or Not

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Nobody's POV

"I am here at Tatsumaki's house, where she was attacked yesterday by an out-of-this-world alien. Luckily the timely arrive of (y/n) saved her from what could have been, a disaster. Tsundere Tornado, what are your thoughts?" A news reporter says to the camera, before turning to Tatsumaki.

"Well, uh..." Tatsumaki says. "I guess (y-y/n) did s-save me, but... wait who are you calling tsundere?!"

Tatsumaki starts to turn beet red from embarrassment and anger.

Suddenly, (y/n) comes into the view of the camera.

"Well, we better hit the road." (y/n) says, putting his hand on Tatsumaki's shoulder. "Sorry she couldn't talk for a while, I'll be sure to make it happen next time. Later!"

(y/n) speeds off with Tatsumaki, who is glad (y/n) managed to save her from what would have been an embarrassing moment for her.

(y/n) grinds to a halt at his apartment. Tatsumaki, realizing that she's been holding onto (y/n)'s hand, blushes a little.

"You know, ever since our relationship was accidentally shown to the public, news reporters have been visiting us basically every day." (y/n) says.

"Y-Yeah." Tatsumaki says, flustered.

"Maybe we could go on a vacation together." (y/n) says, looking at Tatsumaki. "No 'heroing' for a while, just relaxation."

"I could've flew us there a while ago you know." Tatsumaki says.

"That wouldn't count as a vacation, I want to experience life on the scenic route, not the fast lane." (y/n) says.

"That sounds good." Tatsumaki says.

"So it's decided." (y/n) says. "Let's pack up today. I'll notify the hero association about our absence and tomorrow we'll take off."

(y/n) lets go of Tatsumaki's hand and leans down to her eye level. Then plants a kiss on Tatsumaki's forehead.

Tatsumaki waves goodbye to (y/n) and starts walking away. Her red face could be clearly seen. She suddenly realizes something.

Wait, we'll be on vacation for a few days and we'll probably book a hotel room. We'll be all on our own! 

Tatsumaki's red face began to turn even redder. 

The Next Day...

(y/n) is waiting by the airport, having packed his belongings. Tatsumaki arrives shortly after, wearing summer attire.

"Sorry I'm a bit late." Tatsumaki says.

"Oh don't worry about it. I arrived a few minutes ago too." (y/n) says. "The Hero Association organized a private jet to take us to (vacation destination)."

"That sounds grand." Tatsumaki says. "that's a classic vacation destination."

"Sure does, come on let's go." (y/n) says, holding Tatsumaki's hand.

Flustered once again, Tatsumaki's face turns red.

I'll never get used to (y/n)'s romantic antics. Tatsumaki thinks to herself. 

At (vacation destination)...

Tatsumaki and (y/n) exit the plane. After a few minutes of attempting to read a map and making it to the hotel, (y/n) and Tatsumaki enter their hotel room.

"Wow, it's spacious!" (y/n) says, bee-lining towards the bed.

Tatsumaki sets down her suitcase and goes to join (y/n), only to find him dozing off.

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