The Practice Bout

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Nobody's POV

"Genos wants me to ask you to come to the nearby valley." (y/n) reads Saitama's text. "Wonder what Genos wants me to see."

Later, (y/n) arrives at the designated location. He sees Saitama walking away from Genos, the stopping.

"Is here ok?" He asked his cybernetic pupil.

"Yes." Genos replied.

"Oh, I found you guys." (y/n) says, running over.

"Stop right there." Genos says coldly. "I want you to examine the power of Master Saitama."

"O-Ok." (y/n) says and walks back a couple feet.

(y/n) then seemly pulls out a foldable chair out of nowhere, and sits down.

"Here I go." Genos says.

Genos activates his shoulder thrusters, propelling him towards Saitama. He attempts to kick Saitama, but Saitama easily dodges. Genos then maneuvers above Saitama, then attacked him with a drop-kick. Genos misses again, but obliterates the ground around him. Causing (y/n) to move him and his chair back.

With Saitama still in the air, Genos fires his incineration cannons at the baldy. Seeing this, (y/n) gets an idea.

Rushing to the blast location, with a paper bucket labelled "popcorn" and a couple ears of corn. He raises the cobs near the incineration blast. Once Genos fired the cannons, the kernels are perfectly popped, and (y/n) catches them all in the bucket. (y/n) returns to his chair, satisfied with the popcorn and the front-row seats.

"I need more speed!" Genos says to himself, and slams his arms into the ground. Dramatically increasing his speed, but with Saitama easily catching up.

After a few brief minutes of running, and then restating the rules. Saitama manages to get behind Genos, and delivers a punch towards him.

Before the punch connects, Saitama stops it. Causing a large shockwave, and blows over (y/n)'s popcorn bucket.

"My popcorn!" (y/n) says in dismay.

"Let's go get some udon (y/n) and Genos." Saitama says while walking off.

Genos continues marveling Saitama's power. While (y/n) mourns the popcorn.

Saitama turns around. "What's wrong, you don't like udon?"

At the restaurant...

"Glad you like udon, Genos." Saitama says.

"Yes, I'm not very picky." Genos replies.

(y/n), who has gotten over the trauma of losing his popcorn. Tries to ignore the cries for an autograph or a handshake from fangirls.

"Wow, you sure got a following." Saitama remarks.

"I don't pay much attention to it." (y/n) says.

Saitama then notices a eating challenge banner on the wall. "How about a rematch Genos? You can join too (y/n)."

"It's on." (y/n) says, determined.

A couple minutes later...

Saitama falls onto the table, too full to eat anymore. (y/n) and Genos are head-to-head, with each of them not wanting to lose to the other. The restaurant servers and customers are shocked at the amount of udon each one of them are consuming. After they both finish the challenge, (y/n) also falls onto the table in a similar matter. Genos seems unfazed by the amount of food he's consumed.

After some praise from Saitama, A class Rank 1, Sweet Mask enters the restaurant. Much to the female customer's excitement.

"Genos and (y/n)?" He asks.

"What is it?" (y/n) asks.

"I want to talk to you guys." Sweet Mask says.

"Watch out guys, he might be a rookie crusher." Saitama warns.

"Very well." Genos says.

(y/n) and Genos walk out with Sweet Mask. Sweet Mask gives a little introduction,  with Genos thinking that he wants to fight. Sweet Mask does not want to, instead saying that he just wants to welcome us into the Hero Association.

When (y/n) and Genos walk back in, some girls who were eating there wanted to shake our hands. Since we were talked with Sweet Mask. Genos accepted the handshakes, but (y/n) simply swatted the girls hand away.

"If you can't treat every hero how you treat Sweet Mask, I refuse to shake your hand. Each hero, even C class heroes all try their best to save civilians. Yet, you only decide to put Sweet Mask or S class heroes in the spotlight." (y/n) says.

The fangirls are surprised, to say the least. They walk away, now talking about the S class who respects C class heroes.

Saitama is also surprised. "Why did you think that?" He asks.

(y/n) simply says that is common sense. Before paying his share of the bill and walking out of the store.

A.N - Seems like (y/n) has a sense of equality. Well maybe his little speech will allow C classes like Saitama to be put in the spotlight more often. 

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