The Blizzard of Hell

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Nobody's POV

(y/n) knocks on Saitama's front door. Instead of facing Saitama, he sees King.

"Oh, (y/n)." King says. "Saitama has said a lot about you."

"S class, rank 7. King." (y/n) says. "Didn't know the strongest man on earth was friends with Saitama."

(y/n) goes into Saitama's house. He finds Saitama in front of a video game console, playing some kind of Street Fighter game.

"What took you so long?" Saitama says frustrated. "I still gotta beat you!"

"You already lost." King replies. "50 times in a row."

"50 times?!" (y/n) says in disbelief. "You got S class video games skills if you ask me."

Another person knocks at the door.

"Another person?" Saitama says. "I'll go get it."

Saitama leaves the apartment, and (y/n) sits down and picks up a controller.

"Guess I'll try playing this game." (y/n) says.

About half an hour later...

"The score is now 10 even." King says. "That's the first time anyone was able to keep up with me."

"Are you sure? I was just button mashing." (y/n) says.

Suddenly a loud BOOM could be heard outside. King jumps up, startled.

"You have a fast reaction time." (y/n) says. "Why don't you go fight the monster that could be attacking us."

King suddenly gets nervous.

"Hm? What's wrong?" (y/n) asks.

"W-Well it's just, you know." King says.

"You don't need to say it." (y/n) says. "I already know your secret."

"I'm gonna go get a different game." King says, and leaves the apartment.

(y/n) goes to the fridge and gets a bottle of soda. He then sits down by the table.

Not long after, Saitama and Genos walk in.

"Took you long enough. What took you so long?" (y/n) asked.

"We had a bit of a dilemma." Saitama says, and points to a woman behind her.

Fubuki's POV

"(y-y-y/n)?!" I stutter out in disbelief.

"Yo. Nice to meet you." He says. "You're Fubuki right? B class rank 1?"

"T-That's correct." I say again.

I sit down at the table, next to (y/n).

How could Saitama have ties with an S class? I think to myself.

The door opens again. This time King walks in.

"Oi Saitama." King greets.

"K-K-K-King?" I stutter out again.

I try to stabilize myself, since I'm talking to the strongest man on earth. But my body won't stop shaking. I'm in a room with 3 S class heroes, who are all friends with a B class.

My head won't stop spinning from nervousness and excitement. Suddenly, (y/n) puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, you alright? You're looking a bit red." (y/n) says.

I suddenly get up to my feet. "Y-Yes. I'm fine." I reply.

What am I saying? I'm not fine at all! His face is more handsome than Sweet Mask's! I think to myself.

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