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Nobody's POV

"God?" (y/n) says with both confusion and surprise.

"Yeah, apparently this thing is the source for all the monsters to have ever existed." Blast says.

"How the hell do you know that?" (y/n) says to Blast.

"I've fought God's subordinates before." Blast says. "And those battles weren't pretty."

"Impressive." God telepathically says. "You managed to take them out. Very impressive indeed."

God then rises to it's full height, engulfing the moon on which (y/n) and Blast are on in it's shadow.

"I am excited to see how long you can last against me." God says.

Almost instinctively, (y/n) quickly jumps off the moon. Blast soon does the same, but at a much slower pace than (y/n).

Just fractions of a second later, the moon suddenly explodes into billions of fragments. Luckily, both (y/n) and Blast manage to land on separate chunks.

"Interesting, you managed to see through my attack." God says. "You are showing a lot of promise."

Seeing a chance to strike, (y/n) jumps off his moon chunk, propelling it backwards at astonishing speeds. (y/n)'s fist hits God on it's left torso, punching a huge chunk of mass off.

However, God near-instantly regenerates it and counterattacks (y/n).

Quite literally not knowing what hit him, (y/n) is sent flying through space so fast that he rips the space-time continuum and lands in a different universe. Luckily, he managed to block some of the force of the blow with his mechanical arm.

However, due to the extreme force of the counterattack, his arm has been reduced to crushed metal. (y/n) uses his other hand to rip it off as it was now useless, and blasted back towards his dimension at speeds up to twice the speed of light due to there being no air friction to slow him down.

However, it's not nearly fast enough and the space-time continuum is repairing the tear between dimensions. If (y/n) doesn't make it through, he'll be trapped forever.

"Then I've got no choice." (y/n) says to himself. "Forgive me, Tats."

(y/n) prepares to open the final limiter.

Back to Blast...

Blast had just witnessed (y/n) be shot into another realm by a deity that is the size of planets. Not quite what he'd imagined for an 'end of the world' scenario. He jumps onto the last remaining moon.

As Blast is thinking on how to take on God, a portal opens up behind him. Saitama, Flashy Flash, and a small yellow monster with one eye steps out.

"So this is Space!" The monster says in awe.

The monster then spots God towering over the moon.

"AAAAAH!!" The monster screams in terror. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"

"Welcome to Space." Saitama replies. "Oh, hey Blast."

"Oh Saitama. You're here." Blast says. "I was thinking how to fight that thing, but it seems like it may be already be taken care of."

"What do you mean?" Flashy Flash asks.

Suddenly, (y/n) bursts through the hole that he was previously sent flying through and crashes into God at over 5 times the speed of light.

After the initial crash, (y/n) continues barraging God at such high speeds that Saitama couldn't even keep up. After another swift and powerful punch to God's face, (y/n) lands on the moon with a loud crash. The millions of punches that (y/n) had inflicted just a few seconds ago had now started doing damage on God's body all simultaneously, completely destroying it's body as if it had been blown up.

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