The Past

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Nobody's POV

"Ok, it's done." Bob says. "Hope it didn't hurt too much."

(y/n) sits up and looks at his new hi-tech arm.

"This is the XZ-type 34, the newest model." Bob says proudly. "Consider this a thank you for saving our planet."

"Thanks, don't know what I would've done without you." (y/n) says.

"Tis but a scratch eh?" Tatsumaki says. "Anyways, you got some explaining to do. Why'd you just collapse in the middle of a battle?"

(Y/n) sighs. "This is quite a long story, so you might wanna sit down for this."

Tatsumaki complies and sits down next to the operation table. Bob excuses himself, saying that he had other patients to tend to.

"So here's how it all started..." (y/n) says. "I entered high school about 5 years ago, and this other freshman and his friends were bullying me. I wanted it to stop, and at the end of the semester I decided to stand up for myself. That's when I made up my mind to train and one day beat him in a fight. So that's exactly what I did, for 3 and a half years."

"3 and a half years?" Tatsumaki says. "I always thought of you as the laziest person I know!"

(y/n) ignored Tatsumaki's statement and continued. "Then the last week of school came around and I finally challenged him to a fight. He brought his gang which had now grown to about 14 strong. He threatened that he would put me in the hospital, and when the fight ended, 15 high school students were dead and 1 was in the Emergency Room."

"Wait 16 casualties? I thought the group was only 15 strong including the leader!" Tatsumaki says.

"I was getting to that." (y/n) says. "Regarding my 'limiters' they were set inside my body to prevent me from accidentally unleashing my full power, but that's not the only reason. You see, when I trained for 3 and a half years, I broke my limiter. Allowing me to gain strength surrpassing even God itself, however my body could not contain the sheer amount of strength when I first used it and I collapsed and entered a coma for 2 months."

"That explains it, so then I'm guessing that was a side effect of opening the limiters?" Tatsumaki says.

"Close." (y/n) replies. "My limiters were set when I was in a coma by a specialist, and when I awoke he told me that I would only suffer the effects of opening a limiter the very first time I open it. If I do survive the consequences of opening it, I can freely use it whenever I wish without any side effects. Now, I would've just opened all 5 of them right then and there, but he then added something. That if I opened the 5th limiter, the last one, I would've feel the consequences."

"Won't even feel the consequences?" Tatsumaki says. "How?"

"Because I would be dead." (y/n) says in a grave tone.

Tatsumaki falls silent.

(y/n) gets up. "Let's just hope I don't have to open it anytime soon. Come on, let's head back home and test out this sick new arm."

Back at Earth...

"Well, glad to see you back in one piece Genos." Dr. Kuseno says. "Your core was severely drained and you were on the brink of death."

He grabs some tools and starts repairing the damage Genos sustained.

"I know, but I finally defeated The Mad Cyborg." Genos says on the operation table.

"Oh well, congratulations." Dr. Kuseno says. "I can finally live in peace now."

Dr. Kuseno starts repairing his right arm when he stumbles upon a microchip.

"What's this?" He asks.

"It's information about The Mad Cyborg. I could hardly process the information. I could only get a few pieces of his past." Genos says.

Dr. Kuseno inserts the microchip into a computer.

"Oh dear, looks like you were right. This file size is massive! Why y-you'd need the power of a small neutron star to process it." He says.

"Small neutron star?" Genos says.

He opens his left arm compartment and takes out the bright marble he found. "Like this?" He says.

"Yes! That's it!" Dr. Kuseno says. "Where did you find it?"

"The Mad Cyborg dropped it when I defeated him." Genos says.

"With this energy we can finally reveal his past." Dr. Kuseno says.

After a few hours of tweaking the computer, the file is opened.

"Hello Genos," Dr. Kuseno reads. "If you're reading this, them I'm probably dead. It's time to reveal the truth about everything..."

(f/g) voiceover:

You see, I am a time traveler, you probably already know that since you've defeated me. I come from the year 3691, many people I, or perhaps I should say we, knew were long dead. My life was ruined because of The Mad Cyborg. That's when I decided to travel back in time and defeat The Mad Cyborg before he could destroy yours. When I traveled back, I killed him on the spot, i shot directly through his core. 

That's when I realized that I, by killing The Mad Cyborg, I changed the timeline. The timeline where you met Saitama, the timeline where you became a cyborg of justice, the timeline where you became Genos. I started to disappear, being erased from existence because the timeline where I come from has never existed. That's when I decided, in order for you to become Genos, the Genos that didn't have to watch hundreds of years of bloodshed, I had to become The Mad Cyborg. 

When I donned his suit, I felt guilty since I was going to be killing my own parents with my own 2 hands. When the job was done and you were left in critical condition, I ran. I was trying my best not to cry. That's when I decided the only way to atone for killing my parents I would have to die. And you already know the rest of the story.

(f/g) voiceover ends.

"Surpass Saitama for me, ok?" Dr. Kuseno reads. "Signed, Genos."

Genos was just as shocked and filled with emotion as Dr. Kuseno was.

"He was never a bad guy." Genos says.

"He never was, he was trying to make your life better even if it meant making his own life hell." Dr. Kuseno says.

"Future me..." Genos says. "I'll never forget you."

A.N - Another chapter done, this time with more backstory than ever. Next chapter will be about OVA #6, aka the hot springs murder. That's it for now, cya!

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