Some FAQs

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A couple people (Who wished to be anonymous) reached out to me and asked me a couple questions regarding the way my fanfic was written, so I decided now's a good time to answer them. I'll keep all the questions exactly like how they were asked.

Q1: Why'd you 'curve' the plot so far off from the original webcomic?
A: This one is a major one. So first off, I didn't really like the direction the webcomic went and I didn't really know how to incorporate the Neo-Heroes and all into it. Secondly, I like the sci-fi genre a lot, so that's where it came from.

Q2: How come Tatsumaki was 'nerfed'? If you get what I mean.
A: The reason I made Tatsumaki seem weaker was because I wanted to make (y/n)'s power seem drastically higher than her, but I didn't want it to be so high that it would be like Saitama all over again. With fights not lasting as long (or not even occuring, just a punch and (y/n) would've won).

Q3: Why did you make Tatsumaki a sort of damsel in distress type character?
A: It's very similar to my answer for the previous question, I wanted to make Tatsumaki seem weaker than (y/n) without making (y/n) so powerful that fights would be non-existent.

Q4: You seem to blend the genres of this fanfiction between action, comedy, and sci-fi. But you make each individual genre swap into a different chapter, does it ever feel like it's an uneven blend?
A: I'll start off by saying "very good criticism". But yes, my genres usually swap in between chapters because I'm not really good at transitioning between 2 completely different genres. For example, after an epic battle how do I incorporate comedy? It's something I'm still trying to get the hang of.

Q5: I've seen your other fanfiction about demon slayer, since you're going to be juggling between updating these 2 fanfics, will chapter uploads be slower?
A: Yes, most likely.

Q6: You introduced Garou for like 2 chapters and he's never returned since, are you planning to reintroduce him?
A: I might, but probably after the Emperor Arc is over. (Yes, I've decided to call it that).

Q7: Not that I want it to, but will the fanfiction end? Like will you get married to Tatsumaki and live happily ever after?
A: That's not a bad idea. But it probably will end, I don't want to stretch it out.

That's all the questions they asked. If you have some questions that weren't answered here, feel free to ask them. Otherwise I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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