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"I told you already Genos." (f/g) says. (Future Genos) "I am the future, Genos."


"You killed your family." Genos says. "How could you?"

"No." (f/g) says. "You killed your family."

"I am not you!" Genos says. "I would never do that!"

"Oh, would you now?" (f/g) says.

"Enough talk." Genos says, charging his incineration blast. "Whether I'm killing my future self or not, I'm going to avenge my parents."

Genos fires at (f/g), who seemingly decided to lose.

I got him. I avenged my parents. Genos thinks triumphantly. You can finally rest in pea-

Genos is suddenly kicked from behind the blast, sent flying and crashing into a skyscraper.

"Did you really think I accepted defeat?" (f/g) says. "You lack the brains to be considered a cyborg."

Genos quickly gets up and faces (f/g), only to find that he disappeared.

Darn, his speed has only increased since we last fought. Genos thinks. 

Genos is once again struck from behind and sent crashing into another building.

"I've been in your place, any attempt to fight me is futile." (f/g) says. "I've already been in your place."

"What do you even want with this planet?" Genos says. "It's resources? It's technology?"

"I'm not interested in that. I'm, interested in you." (f/g) says. "You and I are not so different, come join me, and we'll achieve the impossible."

"I'm nothing like you. You may be me, but I'm not you!" Genos says.

Genos launches another attack on (f/g), relentlessly spamming incineration blasts and machine gun blows.

One e p i k battle later...

"Fine, if you won't join me, I'll just take your core!" (f/g) says, launching a series of counterattacks.

Genos manages to parry and block most of the attacks, but the sheer quantity of attacks is starting to chip away at his defense. Thinking fast, Genos calculates the position (f/g) will be when he goes for another punch.

Striking the predicted spot with a solid kick, (f/g) is sent flying backwards.

"Impossible..." (f/g) says, his core's power starting to give away. "He predicted my movements, and I have barely any power left. Seems like traveling fast than the speed of light drains your power real fast."

I'm almost going to run out of power. Genos thinks, I've gotta finish him while I can.

Genos pours his last remaining energy into a final incineration blast, hitting (f/g).

"I got him that time. There's no way he could've dodged that." Genos says triumphantly. "But this is it, I'm going to run out of power here too."

The smoke clears, and (f/g) can be seen standing.

He slowly walks over to Genos, hand outstretched for his core. But falls to the ground his hand inches away from Genos, his core dies out. (f/g)'s hand falls right in front of Genos, and a small, bright marble rolls out.

Losing consciousness, Genos grabs the marble and inserts it into a small storage compartment in his left arm.

Mom... Dad... I did it. Genos says in his head, before his core runs out of power. You can rest in peace now...

Genos falls to the ground next to (f/g), with a smile on his face.

At (y/n) and Tatsumaki's Location...

"These cyborgs don't get a hint!" Tatsumaki says furiously, launching hundreds of soldiers into the air.

"They just keep coming!" (y/n) says, punching his way through the cyborgs.

"Crap, what are we gonna do?" Tatsumaki says. "We've been fighting for 5 hours!"

"Since it's come to this..." (y/n) says, assuming a stance unfamiliar to Tatsumaki.

(y/n)'s shirt suddenly rips into shreds as visible (color of your choice) energy emits from him, the force from the energy alone is as strong as EF-1 tornado.

"First inner limiter, limiter of power. Open!" (y/n) says.

"His power..." Tatsumaki says. "He was holding back the entire time?!"

(y/n) punches a cyborg, causing it to explode into metallic shrapnel. However, the energy emitted by (y/n) deflects it.

The shockwave from the punch was even more devastating, tearing through the cyborg formation and sending chunks of buildings into orbit.

Tatsumaki is left awestruck by (y/n)'s power, but while admiring his power, a stray shot from a pulse rifle hits Tatsumaki's shoulder.

"Ah!" Tatsumaki says and falls down to the ground.

She holds her hand over the bleeding shoulder, and uses her psychic powers to slow the bleeding.

(y/n) continues shredding through the legions of cyborgs. Suddenly, his (color) energy dissipates and (y/n) is rendered immobile.

"Why are you stopping (y/n)?" Tatsumakis yells to (y/n).

(y/n) attacked by a Mk.III cyborg while he is immobile, and his right arm is sliced off. (y/n) is then sent flying backwards, landing right next to Tatsumaki.

"You were close to destroying the entire army when you stopped. Why?" Tatsumaki asks.

"I..." (y/n) weakly replies, coughing up blood. "I ran out of time, the limiter closed and I was rendered immobile because of the consequences of opening it."

"I don't get it." Tatsumaki says. "You'll have to explain later, when I get you to a hospital."

Tatsumaki stands up and uses her psychic powers to lift up chunks of the planet and clustering them around the cybernetic army. Tatsumaki then lifts it above the surface, creating a small planetoid.

She then sends the planetoid crashing down on the remaining cyborgs. Completely destroying the army of cyborgs.

"You did it." (y/n) says, slowly getting up. "Let's go help Bob and the others."

"No. You will get to the nearest hospital, your arm needs to be replaced." Tatsumaki says

"Tis but a scratch!" (y/n) says.

"A scratch?" Tatsumaki says in disbelief. "Your arm is off!"

"I've had worse." (y/n) simply replies.

At that moment, Bob and Rob arrive with a small army of other purple entities, all armed with futuristic pulse rifles.

"We'll destroy the remaining cyborgs- oh wait there are none left." Bob says.

"The invasion has been successfully repelled!" Rob says.

The entities cheer and celebrate. Bob attempts to shake (y/n)'s right hand, but finds that there is no hand to shake.

"Oh, we'd better get you to a hospital." Bob says.

A.N - Another chapter done, this time displaying more of (y/n)'s true power. If you still don't understand how the limiters work, just search up the 8 Inner Gates since I heavily based the limiters off it. That's it for this chapter, cya!

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