The Future

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Nobody's POV

"A favor?" (y/n) says confused. "You, the entity that wanted to destroy the earth, wants a favor?"

"It seems like you do not know our true intentions." The entity says. "You see, an unknown lifeform attacked our planet, killing many civilians. We managed to track down the life form to this planet."

"So someone from earth attacked your planet so you decided to attack ours?" (y/n) says. "Sounds a bit messed up and considering you did attack us, I'll consider it karma."

"What's messed up is that YOUR species attacked our planet FIRST." The entity says.

"How would we even travel that far into space?" (y/n) says. "Only some kind of futuristic cyborg could do it."

Having answered his own question, (y/n) suddenly realizes that The Mad Cyborg could've been the one to start this war between planets.

"I got it, I'll ask Genos to come with me." (y/n) says. "If anyone knows about The Mad Cyborg, it's him."

(y/n) runs back to Geno's location, finding him looking at a hologram.

"Yo! Genos!" (y/n) says.

Startled, Genos immediately closes the hologram.

"O-Oh, it's you." Genos says. "What's up?"

"We've got information about The Mad Cyborg's previous attacks. If we can dig up some clues there, we might be able to pinpoint his next location." (y/n) says.

"Sounds good." Genos says. "Where to?"

"Planet ΩξΣψ." (y/n) says.


Tatsumaki's POV

"That stupid (y/n), why'd he allow Genos to insult him when (y/n) was clearly right?" I say to myself. "I'd outta turn that tin can into modern art."

"I'm sure it'd be a very good piece of art." A familiar voice says.

"Wha-" I say, looking around. "Show yourself!"

A purple figure emerges from around the corner. "Long time no see, Tats."

"Y-You!" I say in shock. "You've come to get your butt kicked?"

"No, I've come for a favor." The entity says.

"Hmph, why should I listen to you?" I say.

"Well, your sister was very eager to give me her collection of every time you've went on a date with (y/n)." The entity says. "And I've got some great content to show the world."

"Y-You..." I say in dismay. "You're blackmailing me?"

"Well, I guess you can say that." The entity says. "But if you don't wanna join us, I guess (y/n) and Genos will be enough."

"(y/n) and Genos agreed?" I say in disbelief.

"You don't have to believe it, it's true." The entity says with a chuckle.

"Fine, I'll accept your offer. But I'll need all of those files back." I say.

"Very well." The entity says. "I'll inform you along the way."

At Planet ΩξΣψ...

Me and the purple entity landed onto Planet ΩξΣψ. I was greeted by giant skyscrapers and futuristic flying cars.

"Not a bad planet you've got." I say. "You got a coffee shop around here?"

"What is this.. coffee you speak of?" The entity questions.

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