Monster Association

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Nobody's POV

At the S Class Meeting Room

"So, it's begun already?" Tatsumaki says, crossing her arms.

"What's begun?" (y/n) asks.

"What? The Hero Association hasn't informed you?" Bang says in surprise.

"That's what I'm going to be doing today." Sitch says, entering the room. "The Monster Association is where many of these Mysterious Beings come from, the Monster Association is a polar opposite of the Hero Association. The base is somewhere underneath Z city, and today is the day we're going to be launching an assault."

"So we just gotta destroy the entire base?" (y/n) says.

"No, you must do anything but that." Sitch says. "The Monster Association took the son of one of our most important investors and is holding him hostage."

"So, we just got to rescue the boy and simultaneously take out the monster association?" (y/n) says.

"That's correct." Sitch replies. "Now here's what we're going to do. This mission isn't going to be a walk in the park, we won't be able to waltz right in. Unfortunately, all of our personnel aren't used to something on this caliber. We're going to have to make a plan in at least 10 minutes."

"10 minutes for a plan against a powerful organization?" Child Emperor says. "Even I can't do that."

"Can I see the map please?" (y/n) says.

Sitch pulls up a hologram of the monster association and (y/n) walks up to it. After a few seconds of looking at the hologram (y/n) begins drawing holographic lines on the map. 

"And that should be it." (y/n) says.

"That's great and all, but how will that help us infiltrate the Monster Association?" Atomic Samurai says.

"Ok here's the plan, it's quite simple. We have 18 people, we're going to be split into 6 3-man teams." (y/n) says. He then pulls out another hologram with a list of the teams.

1 explanation later...

(All you need to know is that Genos, (y/n), and Tatsumaki are in a team. Genos is linked to each of the hero's earpieces, Tatsumaki will use her telekinesis to help get the heroes to safety, and (y/n) will help aid the other heroes enter the association.)

"You guys got that?" (y/n) says.

"Yes." The heroes say in unison.

"Ok, we got no time to waste, get to your assigned points that (y/n) described and get ready." Sitch says.

At the Monster Association location, (Z City)

"Alright Team 4 is in position." Bang says into his earpiece

"Team 2 is in position." Tank Top Master says.

"Team 3, in position." Metal Bat says.

"Team 5, also in position." Child Emperor says.

"Team 6, at designated location." Zombieman says.

"Alright, all teams are at their corresponding coordinates." Genos says.

"Tell them to run straight ahead of them." (y/n) says.

"Ok, charge in 3, 2, 1... Now!" Genos says.

(y/n) blazes forward, the shockwave he generates form his speed is enough to make Tatsumaki have to grab onto something for balance. (y/n) blasts a hole into the monster association at each designated location, allowing the other S class heroes to enter in one coordinated assault.

"Jeez would you be more mindful of my hair?" Tatsumaki says when (y/n) returns, trying to ruffle her hair back into place.

"Oh sorry about that." (y/n) says, patting Tatsumaki's head.

Tatsumaki becomes very embarrassed, especially since Genos is watching her. (y/n) realizes this and takes his hand off.

"I-I didn't say to take your hand off!" Tatsumaki says.

(y/n) awkwardly puts his hand back onto Tatsumaki's head.

Genos, suddenly recieves word from Bang's group that Garou, having escaped his confinments once again, is now affiliated with the Monster Association. He then informs (y/n) and Tatsumaki about it.

"Great, that guy again." Tatsumaki says.

"By the way, you're not the type of person to freeze up randomly. Why didn't you fight back?" (y/n) says.

"He had some kind of hero catalog book, he purposely exploited my weaknesses and used some kind of anti-esper ropes on me." Tatsumaki says.

Suddenly, the top of the monster association headquarters is blown off. (y/n), Genos, and Tatsumaki all take their battle stances. They see Psykos emerge from the smoke and rubble, locked onto Tatsumaki.

Charging at the green esper, her body moves so fast, that Geno's radar cannot detect her. However (y/n) simply kicks her away from Tatsumaki.

"Not half bad, you're able to keep up with my speed." Psykos says, wiping some blood from her mouth.

"I've received word that King has successfully managed to rescue the boy." Genos says.

"Now I don't have to worry about friendly fire." Tatsumaki says.

Tatsumaki the creates a bubble-like barrier around each hero, using their earpiece as a beacon for where to create the bubble. Lifting them up from underneath the building and somewhere away from her location.

As (y/n) continues to fight Psykos, who doesn't pose much of a challenge to him, Tatsumaki realizes that one of the bubbles didn't contain a hero, instead just retrieving a broken earpiece.

"(y/n)! Someone is still inside the Monster Association! I'll hold off this woman, you go after him!" Tatsumaki yells over the noise.

(y/n) speeds off and Tatsumaki fights Psykos, being evenly matched against the esper.

(y/n) sprints around the Monster Association corridors. After about 15 minutes and still no sign of human life, (y/n) returns to Tatsumaki's location.

Upon reaching the location, he finds Genos near collapse. And Tatsumaki being pinned to a wall, with Psykos, now fused with Orochi, about to finish her off.

(y/n) quickly rescues Tatsumaki, who manages to thank (y/n) before falling unconscious from overusage of her psychic powers and exhaustion. (y/n) slowly places her unconscious body onto the floor, then turns to Psykos.

"What a surprise, Mr. Pretty Boy arrives just in the nick of time." Psykos says. "Give it up, you won't be able to defeat me."

"We'll see about that." (y/n) says.

A.N - aaand that's it for this chapter. Left on a cliff hanger for the anticipation. (y/n) is about to face off against Psykos, who managed to defeat Genos and Tatsumaki. Let's hope this Psykos+Orochi combo is enough for (y/n) to handle.

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