Meet The Paragons

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Nobody's POV

"You guys are the Paragons?" (y/n) says.

"We are, the name's Luis." He says.

"And I'm the Paragon of Speed." Luis then says from behind (y/n).

"Wait, but weren't you just-" (y/n) says confused.

"Can we turn on the lights now? This room is too dark." A woman says.

"Oh, sure." Luis says, flicking on the light switch.

Getting a good look at Luis, he has an average build, and (y/n) sees him wearing an orange tracksuit. Despite not being able to tell the difference, (y/n) knows Luis isn't human. (y/n) then turns to the woman. Trying not to stare at her (cough, cough) assets.

"The name's Scarlett darling." Scarlett says. "I'm the Paragon of Sorcery."

She summons a miniature fireball in her palm and gently throws it into the air. It stops a few feet in front of her and starts rotating in midair. To which (y/n) looks at in awe.

"Let's meet the Paragon of Intelligence, he's over there." Luis says, pointing to a calculator on a  nearby table.

"Y-You got to be kidding right?" (y/n) says, grabbing the device.

"No we're not." Luis replies. "We don't know it's name, so we called it Pi since it states for Paragon of Intelligence and just so happens to be the perfect acronym. Plus Pi can divide by zero."

Intrigued, (y/n) presses the equation: 1 ÷ 0

The screen shows the message transmission complete and the screen shines brightly.

The calculator shakes violently and (y/n) drops it in surprise.

Pi expands to the size of a human, it grows arms and quadpod-like legs. The screen still exists on the robot's weird bulky torso.

Pixel by pixel, a face is drawn out on the screen. (Like a ":D")

"Greetings human!" Pi says.

"H-Hi." (y/n) says awkwardly, not prepared to talk to a calculator.

"One more Paragon to meet!" Luis says, guiding (y/n) to the next person.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't the new recruit." The man says, getting up.

"My name's General Gunner Brown, Special Forces. And the Paragon of Justice" He holds out his hand. "Pleased to meet you." Gunner says.

"Nice to meet you too sir." (y/n) says, shaking his hand.

"So, why are we all trapped here?" (y/n) then asks the group.

"You haven't figured it out?" Luis says. "The Emperor plans on using us to help aid in his conquest of Earth."

"Yeah, and we're all sitting ducks." Scarlett says.

"Can't you just use your magic to make a portal or something?" (y/n) asks.

"I can't, this entire place is covered with some kind of forcefield." Scarlett replies. "It even blocks my portals."

"Why not create a wave wormhole?" Pi suggests.

"What? Wave wormhole?" Scarlett says confused.

"Yes. Wormholes not only travel through space, but also time." Pi says. "If you create a wormhole to before this forcefield was created then it should bypass it. However, regular wormholes only go straight through timespace. So if you create a wave wormhole you'd be able to travel through timespace in a U-shape, allowing you to skip the forcefield and then circle back in this time outside the forcefield."

"Guess now I know why you're the Paragon of Intelligence." (y/n) says.

"Yeah, just one problem." Scarlett says. "How do I create a wormhole? Not even a wave wormhole, just a regular one?"

"It's simple, bend timespace to a single point and it'll collapse in on itself, the weight yet small size of said point of singularity will be enough to push through the boundaries of reality." Pi says. "For a wave wormhole, you have to create 2 points of singularity. One being bigger than the other. The smaller point will curve and divert the bigger point's straight trajectory and once the bigger one opens up, it'll be a wave wormhole."

"Ok, I'll try." Scarlett says.

Scarlett uses both of her hands to focus her powers on a single point in the air, compressing the mass of seemingly nothing onto itself.

A whooshing sound could be heard as the point of singularity could be seen.

Quickly, Scarlett uses her other hand to compress the mass right next to the first point. As another point whooshes into existence, the first point grows bigger.

"It's working!" Luis cheers.

"I can't... maintain it for long." Scarlett says, struggling to keep the wormholes stable.

"The wave is complete." Pi says. "Quickly!"

Gunner, Luis, and Pi quickly jump in.

As (y/n) is about to jump in, Scarlett faints from the exhaustion, closing the wormhole.

(y/n) quickly looks down the forcefield window and sees the 3 hiding behind some garbage cans. Having no way out, (y/n) decides to break through the forcefield with sheer force.

(y/n) takes a stance, and prepares to open the second limiter.

(y/n) opens the limiter of power easily, having already opened it before. His body begins to emit a (insert color here) energy.

"Second limiter, limiter of stamina." (Y/n) says, his body now fully enveloped in energy. "Open!"

(y/n)'s body begins to to glow white hot, somehow not melting his body, but making him look like the sun itself.

(y/n) takes a stance, looking like he's about to start a race. And dashes forward, then jumps to gain a little bit of height before coming crashing down with a devastating kick to the forcefield.

The forcefield cracks upon impact, but (y/n) continues to assault it with more powerful kicks, causing the entire forcefield surrounding the emperor's skyscraper to shatter.

The force of the last kick, the one that destroyed the forcefield, wasn't completely stopped by the forcefield since it was broken. So (y/n) crashes into and right through the building right next to the emperor's building.

The emperor's infantry quickly hurry to the Paragon's holding cell. Managing to grab Scarlett.

(y/n) has now recovered from the impact and, with the limiter still active, crashes through the same building to reach the soldiers, whom (y/n) easily dispatches.

(y/n) grabs Scarlett's unconscious body down to the rest of the Paragons.

"Dude that was insane!" Luis says. "You broke through the most impenetrable thing in the galaxy!"

(y/n) hands Scarlett over to Gunner, whom sets her down onto the ground gently. Before falling to the floor himself, as a consequence of opening the limiter.

"Dude? Dude!" Luis says as (y/n) falls to the ground. "You okay? Don't tell me he died of a stroke or something man."

As he fades in and out of consciousness, he feels Gunner pick him up as (y/n) finally goes unconscious.

A.N - Paragons met? Check. Second Limiter revealed? Check. Quantum Physics? Not intended, but check. I decided to add it to make the wormhole seem more believable, but quantum physics isn't that all believable in the first place. And it seems like Gunner comes from our universe, wonder how that works.

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