A Day In The Life Of Tatsumaki

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Tatsumaki's POV

"Tatsumaki, can you explain the events that happened yesterday? According to your sister, Fubuki, you were with (y/n)." A new report says, shoving a microphone near my face.

"I-I told you!" I say, turning red. "I have no interest in (y/n)! Besides, Fubuki does't have any proof, does she?"

"T-That's true." The report says, and faces towards the camera. "It seems like Tatsumaki will still not open up her tsundere self."

"Who are you calling a tsundere?!" I yell at the reporter.

"See you next time on City D News." The report finishes.

"Aaand cut." The cameraman says.

"Oi, we're not done yet." I say.

"Sorry Miss Tornado, but we have a lot more stories to cover." The report says, bowing deeply and then running off into their van.

"H-Hey! Wait for me to finish my sentence!" I say.

The van drives off, leaving me there.

"Jeez, I just want to live my life in peace." I say and slowly start walking to a local cafe.

"You too, eh?" (y/n)'s voice says behind me.

"Eh?" I say, surprised and turn to see (y/n).

"Good morning." (y/n) says with a wave

"(y-y-y/n)?" I stutter out. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Oh, sorry." (y/n) says. "I saw the ratings on a cafe not too far from here, so I decided to go there."

"Y-You definitely planned this!" I say. "You must want the media to swarm my house." I pout in frustration.

"It was just a coincidence." (y/n) reassures. "Let's go together."

(y/n) grabs my hand, I'm startled at first but then let it slide. I try my best to avoid surprised ongoers and pick up the pace.

When we arrive, many people who have already been seated grab their phone to take a picture. In embarrassment, I use my telekinetic powers to shut off their phones and the cafe's security system for the time being.

(y/n) and I are seated at a table.

"So, what do you want?" (y/n) says, skimming through the menu. "These all look good."

"I'll probably just have a number 7, an iced coffee." I say.

"Coffee? You sure kids can have that?" (y/n) says jokingly.

"I-I'm 28! I'm probably older than you!" I say angrily.

"Sorry, sorry. That was just a joke." (y/n) says.

"Hmph." I say and puff out my cheeks in anger.

"So, what can I get you today?" A waiter says.

"I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda." (y/n) says.

Take 2

"I'll get a medium iced coffee and a (drink of your choice)." (y/n) says.

"Alright, your order will be here shortly." The waiter says, taking our menus.

"So, why sprint all the way to D city for a cup of (drink of your choice)?" Tatsumaki asks.

"Eh, it's not that big of a deal when you can run faster than sound." (y/n) replies. "You must also enjoy travelling, you don't have to buy plane tickets."

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