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Nobody's POV

(y/n) slowly opens his eyes. His head is all dizzy, yet it's being held by something soft. He looks up and sees Tatsumaki, who is resting his head on her lap.

"(y/n)!" She exclaims in joy. "You're alive!"

Tatsumaki wraps her arms around (y/n)'s head, pressing her chest directly onto his face.

"Yeah." (y/n) mumbles from underneath. "Sure am."

Tatsumaki lets go and looks at (y/n), overcome with joy.

"You're so reckless." Tatsumaki says without a strand of anger in her voice. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

(y/n) gets up and takes note of his current statue. There's the very obvious sign that he's not dead, but no damage was sustained on his body whatsoever.

"Well, that damn bastard fulfilled it's promise." (y/n) says.

"Promise?" Tatsumaki says, standing up and patting off the moondust from her legs. "You overheard my conversation with God?"

"Eh? Conversation?" (y/n) says confused. "No, I made a deal with him."

"What? That has to be a lie!" Tatsumaki says, even more confused. "What do you mean?"

"It went something like this..." (y/n) replies.


(y/n) is still in a ferocious fight with God, both on equal ground in terms of power and speed. Although (y/n) has a limited time to remain standing.

"You're choices are all futile." God says. "Every choice you make, I have seen. Every thought you think, I have seen. The very universe is spinning in my hand, revealing all it's tricks."

(y/n) does not reply. Instead, he only speeds up his onslaught. He knows the consequences, as the more pressure he exerts, the shorter his life gets.

"Humans are always so stubborn." God says. "They don't know when to quit and drag themselves past the event horizon, and into the dark abyss."

(y/n) finally stops his attack. Hovering in empty space, he manages form words.

"You want to bet on that?" (y/n) says. 

"What makes you think God, the very universe itself, wants to play your silly game?" God questions.

"Humans are not all so bad. It's true some are, but that is inevitable. Where there is light, shadow will follow." (y/n) says.

"And why would I trust you?" God says. "What will you do to prove humanity is worth saving? To not end the endless cycle of death and torment?"

"I'll show you." (y/n) says. "No, Tats will."

"Oh? Your companion?" God says.

"I know how she'll act if I'm gone." (y/n) says confidently.  "You may predict events, but you can't predict emotion. I bet you haven't predicted this path yet."

(y/n)'s time expires as he finishes his sentence. His words echo through God's mind as his body collapses in empty space.

"You never fail to surprise me." God says. "Very well, I will play your little game."

God relented his opinion of humanity for just a moment, and decided to play the "bad guy".

"You were right, (y/n)." God says, picking up his body. "Humanity is worth saving, you saw right through my experiment. That the planet Emperor Edward ruled over was all a test."

God chuckled to itself. 

"It's showtime." God says. "And I'm the bad guy."

Back to the present...

"U-Unbelievable..." Tatsumaki says. "So this was all some kind of test? I can't believe it."

"Believe what you want." (y/n) says. "Right now we gotta head back."

"Believe what I want?" Tatsumaki says, repeating (y/n)'s words. "I had just witnessed you die. Do you realize what was going through my mind then? And now you're saying it was all planned? Like if I was on reality tv?"

(y/n) remains silent. Not even showing a sign of emotion. He walks up to Tatsumaki, who is still sitting down on the ground, and sits down in front of her.

He then leans forward and kisses her softly on the forehead.

"Sorry for making you worry." (y/n) says. "But the nightmares end, and this one already has. I'm sorry Tats, forgive me alright?"

"Mm." Tatsumaki mumbles, all teary eyed.

Blast's portal still remains open. The soft whooshes of the tear in space-time cuts through the silence.

"Can you stand?" (y/n) says.

"I-I can try..." Tatsumaki says.

She tries to get up, but her legs refuse to move. (y/n) suppresses his laughter as he watches Tatsumaki struggle to move.

"Here." (y/n) says, lifting up Tatsumaki bridal-style.

Tatsumaki lets out a soft gasp of surprise as she is lifted from the ground, but doesn't act embarrassed.

"Ready?" (y/n) asks.

"Ready." Tatsumaki replies.

(y/n) and Tatsumaki enter the portal. The end of it closes behind them as they travel through the cosmos.

On Earth...

"Where the hell are they?!" Sitch says impatiently. "It's been 3 days since their departure."

A Hero Association agent suddenly barges into the room.

"Sir! (y/n) and Tatsumaki have been spotted in Z-city!" He says hoarsely, panting for breath inbetween every couple words.

"What?!" Sitch yells. "Go send a team to escort them back!"

"Yes Sir!" The agent replies, before running off as fast as he came.

Back to (y/n)...

"Oh? You decided to settle down?" Saitama says curiously.

"Yup." (y/n) says, putting his hand Tatsumaki. "With all this hero stuff over with, I- no, we just want to live a normal life."

"Yeah." Tatsumaki says enthusiastically. "I won't have to worry about any monsters anymore! I can just live my best life."

(y/n) hears the sound of approaching Hero Association employees getting closer, with a wave and a smile he and Tatsumaki leave Saitama's apartment.

A.N - (y/n)'s adventure has came to a close. Hopefully you enjoyed this fanfic despite my update schedule being all over the place. I'll (hopefully) make an epilogue soon.

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