⭒☆━━☆⭒side chapter⭒☆━━☆⭒

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Norman pov:

''Ok, so.'' I said as I starred at Ray. We were currently the only ones in the room.

''Look, I know you like Emma. But she confessed to me, and I happened to start liking her aswell...'' He said looking away from me.

''No, no. That's not it. Well maybe a little.'' I said and laid back on the couch as Ray looked at me again.

''Then what is it?'' He asked.

''How did you know you liked Emma?'' I asked.

''Didn't you like her as well?'' He asked. ''I don't think I liked her this way, honestly. I just saw her as my sister.'' I answered.

''Well, for me I started getting, uh, butterflies in my stomach everytime I saw her?'' He said.

''I see..'' I mumbled.

''Wait, why are you even asking me?'' Ray asked.

''I think I might like Y/N.'' I answered while looking down to cover my blushing face.

''Wait, you guys aren't together?'' He asked in confusion.

''What? Ofcourse we aren't.'' I answered.

''I can't believe it. You guys act all lovey dovey all the time!'' He said.

''What. No we don't?'' I said as confused as him before.

''Yes you do. Remember that one time?


''Hey Norman!'' Y/N was heard.

''Oh hey Y/N.'' He said with a smile. Y/N jumped into a hug and Norman hugged her back.

''What are you doing?'' Y/N asked and pulled out of the hug. ''Nothing.''. They continued to walk, talk, hug eachother and more. Just looking like your local couple. Everyone was starring at them, looking at how happy they are.


''You guys looked like a total couple back then! Everyone thinks you are dating.'' He said.

''Well that is only like 1 time.'' I said.

''Well the other day, you were cought by Gilda and Anna going into her room, then not leaving for the whole day?'' He said.

»»—— ——««

''You guys slept together?'' He asked in shock.

''And your not dating yet?'' He said dissapointed. I nodded.

''Well from what I see when you guys are together, you glow, she glows and you guys look good together. Just date and see where that takes you.'' He suggested.

''I have to leave now though. I promised Emma to help her with something. See you later Norman.'' Ray said and left the room.

''We should date, huh? I like the sound of it..'' I said and continued working on the documents left from today.


Do you guys want me to make more chapters like this?- ^^

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