⭒☆━━☆⭒chapter 30⭒☆━━☆⭒

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                                                                    Day 5

Y/N pov:

For the past few days, nothing had happened. Everyone continued in their own way of doing things, but we all went by the same path to the palace. Today though, is special. We have finally arrived at the royal palace. Since everyone is still tired, we decided to create a little camp, a little far from the palace but not enough to tire us to get there and rest for the day, since it was already getting late. I left Norman to build our tent to go talk to Emma and Ray, telling him that I will go get water for the rest with a few more people.

»»—— ——««

''Emma, Ray!'' I said in a yelling whisper tone. 

''Y/N, finally.'' Ray said. 

''We are heading over the plan once more. This is how it goes...

»»—— ——««

.. And lastly, since Norman, Vincent, Zazie, Barbara and Cislo and going poison the food supplies tonight, we should keep an eye on them by following them.'' I finished. 

''Yes, but what if they catch us?'' Emma asked worried. 

''Don't worry! I feel like luck is on our side.'' I cheered her up. Emma smiled at me and after that we all head to our tents.

»»—— ——««

''Hm? Y/N where is the water you brought?'' Norman asked confused. 

''Oh, we couldn't find a river.'' I said calmy. 

''Didn't we pass one on the way here though?'' He asked. 

''No, we didn't.'' I said, starting to sweat a little. 

''I guess I am imagining things, I guess I am just tired.'' He said and yawned. After that I cuddled next to him. 

''Hey, Y/N.'' He started. 

''Are you scared for tomorrow?'' He asked. 

''No, of course not! I have you, why should I be scared?'' I said and snuggled up to him. 

''I'm scared. I'm really scared but I can't tell you. Words cannot express how terrified I am. But I can not tell you.'' I thought then closed my eyes pretending to sleep. 

»»—— ——««

After an hour, after Norman assured I was asleep and then left the tent, little did he know I was not asleep. I followed after him silently, and saw him meet up with the others. 

''Boss, we have planted all the bombs.'' Cislo said. 

''What? Bombs? Wasn't it going to be in the food supplies?'' I thought. ''Great, did you make a map and mark where you put them?'' Norman asked. 

''Yes, we did.'' Barbara said and handed Norman a map. 

''They planted bombs, but didn't mess with the food and Norman didn't help with the bombs. What the hell is going on..'' I was lost in thought and didn't realise Norman was heading back. After I saw him getting back I rushed to the tent. After I got there I laid down and was fast asleep, not knowing when Norman would return. 

»»—— ——««

''Good morning Norman.'' I said while rubbing my eyes. 

''The bombs have been planted.'' I remembered. 

''Good morning, Y/N.'' Norman said with a smile and kissed my forehead. 

''Don't forget, we are heading to the city in a few hours.'' He said. 

''Okay, I'll go and do something else till then.'' I answered, in hopes of getting away from Norman and head to Emma and Ray as soon as possible. 

''Don't you want to spend some time with me though? You know, we might die today.'' He said. 

''I will spend some time with you, but I need to pee. And don't think such dark things! It's weird!'' I said. I did lie about the pee part but I had to so I could escape. 

''Fine... I'll wait here then.'' He said and lied down. 

»»—— ——««

''Emma, Ray!'' I yelled when I got near them. 

''Everything was a lie! They knew we found out! They lied they changed the plan!'' I started and teared up. 

''Hey, hey, Y/N, what's going on?'' Emma said and rubbed my back. ''Norman, he...

»»—— ——««

...'' I finished, now my face full of tears. 

''Why am I even crying, I should have expected this.'' I thought. 

''I see, then we have no choice but to leave the old plan behind.'' Ray said. Emma nodding after his statement. 

''Then what should we do..?'' I asked while wipping my tears away. 

''We don't have time, Norman wants me to return as soon as possible.'' I said. 

''We will figure it out, we will tell you if we come up with anything later, just head to Norman now.'' Ray said. I nodded and ran towards the tent. After I was back, Norman and I just hung out.



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