⭒☆━━☆⭒chapter 23⭒☆━━☆⭒

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Y/N pov:

After some time I found Emma and Ray. They were probably on a date, thought I did not want to disturb them, I need to tell them ASAP. 

''Emma! Ray! I need to talk to you!'' I yelled to them. 

''Is it really urgent? We are on a date.'' Ray said with an angry tone. 

''It's really urgent.'' I answered. They looked at eachother and told me to follow them.

»»—— ——««

After some time, we went to a hiding spot. 

''Thank you, and I am sorry for ruining your date.'' I said. 

''It's okay, but please tell us what's wrong.'' Emma said while putting her hand on my shoulder. 

''Norman, he....''

»»—— ——««

''He what?!'' Emma said on the verge of crying. 

''I'm sorry.'' I said also at the verge of crying. 

''Hey it's okay, we can think of that to do, okay?'' Ray said to try to comfort us. 

''Yes, you are right. Thank you Ray.'' I said and wiped my tears. 

''How about we keep on going with his play, then right when he starts his plan we stop him?'' Ray said. 

''Yes, but we don't know how exactly his plan will play out.'' Emma said. 

''Yes that is indeed a problem..'' I said. 

''How about this, Y/N can hide in the room in Norman's office, we can just say Y/N couldn't be there that day because we had asked her to get some stuff?'' Ray said. 

''Will that really work thought?'' Ray began to question his suggestion. 

''It's a good idea, and I don't really have any ideas.'' I said. 

''And I don't either.'' Emma said. 

''Then we are going with your plan Ray.'' Emma said with a smile and kissed him on the cheeck. 

''Okay, okay, I'll leave you to continue your date now.'' I said, then turned around and left.

»»—— ——««

After a few days, we had another meeting, thought we were informed the day before. In the morning, I went to the bedroom inside Norman's office and hid under the bed, incase someone comes inside. I did leave a note to Norman that Emma and Ray wanted me to get something for them, and that he shouldn't worry.

»»—— ——««

After Ray and Emma had left, as we expected, the others stayed behind to talk about their plan. 

''So we are going over everything today?'' Vincent asked. 

''Yes.'' Norman answered.

»»—— ——««

''I see, so that's their plan.'' I thought to myself. After I heard them leave the room, I left as well and went to report to Emma and Ray.

Norman pov:

''I see, so she really was there.'' I tought to myself whilst hiding in one of the rooms next to my office. 

''Do you think she took the bait, boss?'' Vincent asked. 

''Yes, she probably did.'' I answered. 

''I'm sorry Y/N, but I cannot let the demons live.'' I thought and went back into the office with the others to talk about the 'real' plan.

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