⭒☆━━☆⭒side chapter⭒☆━━☆⭒

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Y/N pov:

I left the room and spotted Emma, just who I wanted to see. 

''Hey, Emma! What are you doing?'' I waved at her. 

''Oh, Hey Y/N! Nothing how about you?'' She asked with a smile. 

''I am not doing anything either so wanna hang out?'' I asked. 

''Oh, sure. We haven't gotten the chance to before anyway.'' She answered.

»»—— ——«« 

After some time we found a nice place to sit at. It was quite pretty, we were sitting on a bench in the forest where we hadn't build anything. 

''Sooo, care to share your relationship with Norman?'' Emma said. 

''W-What?'' I asked nervously. 

''Oh come on, Ray told me you guys aren't even together, but you act like your together.'' She whined. 

''I don't know if you know, but Norman used to have a crush on me, but now that im with Ray I thought we would be lonely. And, I think you guys look like a great match so why not just date?'' She stated. I could feel my cheecks burning. I took a deep breath. 

''I honestly would not mind being together with him, but im scared he doesn't like me back, even if he does what if he thinks im just a replacement of you?'' I asked and tears started to form. 

''Hey, don't cry. Im sure he doesn't think of you that way.'' She said as she patted my head. 

''Thank you, Emma.'' I said. 

''Now, tell me. Why do you think Norman doesn't like you?'' She asked. 

''Ah, well, uhm..'' I started but I couldn't really think of anything. 

''Exactly, your nice, pretty and you really help him alot. I bet even that Vincent guy does less then you!'' She said with a smile. 

''Thank you Emma.'' I said and hugged her. 

''No problem! But are you gonna confess?'' She asked. 

''Im not sure yet, I might need some more time, but ill keep it in mind!'' I said. 

''Great!'' She cheered. As we continued to talk it soon became night time. We decided to go to our rooms since it was also getting quite cold. We continued by the path we came from and there we saw Norman and Ray standing. 

''Hey, guys.'' Emma said. I just waved my hand at them. 

''Hello.'' They said. 

''Let's get going Emma? We should leave the love birds alone.'' Ray said. Emma just nodded. Norman and I were just blushing as hard as we could. 

''Well, uh ill get going now.'' I said. 

''Do you want me to come with you..?" Norman asked. 

''Ah sure.'' I said. After that he escorted me to my room and then said bye, 

''Damn I thought he was gonna spend the night.'' I thought to myself and then went to bed.


Honestly i liked the one with Ray and Norman more :sob:

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