Author's Note

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  • Dedicated to Ellie Horan

*Author's Note*

I would just like to thank all of you for taking the time to read my fanfic, it really means a lot. Feel free to skip this.

Well, I would like to apologize for any mistakes I make. I will try not to make many, but if I do, than I will surely fix them.

Um... I may not update frequently bc college but if I get any great ideas, I will update about two chapters, maybe three.

On a side note, I wrote this story mostly for one of my good friends that committed suicide a while ago.. She was a belieber and was in love with Justin, just like I am. But this is mostly for her.. It's hard loosing a friend and I miss her everyday💔

Please Vote and Comment? You don't have to fan, but please vote.

Thank you, again, for giving this story a chance! I hope you like it😊

Thank you, have a great day / night💕

P.s. In this story it will have a lot of vampire diaries, and a little of Percy Jackson ideas😌.

- Wendy x

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