Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12:

Rae was paranoid as she got out of her car. She was afraid that someone was going to come behind her with some cameras to make fun of her, or worse, someone would probably just end up killing her.

Did that conversation with Justin and his father really happen? I mean, I freaking woke up on the floor of that same meadow!

She must be losing her damn mind..

Dammit, how am I going to get through this without you, Livi?

She walked through the door and sighed as she locked it. She walked into the kitchen and saw another note that her mother left her.

She turned the lights on and read it out loud.

I had to stay over at Mrs. Sofie's to take care of the children for a couple days. I took your brother over to a friends house, I'm sure you'll be fine on your own for a while? Unless you want to come stay with me here. Just call me when you read this, I love you baby.

Love mom

Rae sighed and looked around.

Great. After having a traumatic moment, she was going to be home alone for, God knows, how long.

She looked at the clock and saw that is was 11 at night.


Well at least she did'nt have to wake up early to take any finals.

She walked up to her room and just plopped on the bed.

She lifted her head up and saw that there was a note on her dresser.

That's pretty weird..

She grabbed it an laid on her back as she read it,

Justin's cell ..

Anthony's cell..

What the fuck? Is this a joke? If it is, these people are taking this shit too mother fucking far..

She pugged in her phone to charge it and waited for it to turn back on. After waiting for a couple minutes, she dialed "Justin's" cell number.

It rang a couple times and just as she was about to hang up, she heard his beautiful voice on the other line.

Justin: "Hello Rae, I was hoping you'd call."

Rae: "J-Justin? It's really you? This isn't a joke, right?"

Justin: *chuckles* "of course it isn't. I'm guessing you had the dream?"

Rae: "I-I did. I'm still so confused."

Justin: " Don't worry, love. Everything will soon be clear enough."

Rae: "But-I mean, I love you and all, but you being-being a vampire.. It's too-it's too much.."

He stayed quiet for a while.

Justin: Rae, you do understand that I will die a little everyday that I'm not with you, right?"

Rae: *sighs* "I understand that, can just have some time to get used to it before we actually, you know, date?"

Justin: "Oh, of course, that's fine. Give me your address, I'm coming over in a bit."

She hesitated for a moment, then composed herself and gave him her address.

Justin: "I'll see you soon."

He hung up before she could respond.

Justin was actually going to come to her house..

Justin Bieber is coming over.

Oh my fucking-

Rae got out of bed and put on her pjs, aka a tank top and sweats.

She took off all the make up she had on and just laid in bed, waiting for Justin to come over.

This is going to be intense. She could feel it.

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