Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14:

Justin and Rae talked the whole night. She told him everything that has happened in her life from every single horrible thing, to even some of the good things. There were only bits of good things, unfortunately.

"Wow. You're really.. Broken." He said quietly.

They sat back on her bed and got comfortable.

"I really am, I mean I lost my father. I have no idea how he's doing, he obviously doesn't care what's happening to me. All he does is send me expensive gifts and thinks that would make up for him not being there for me or my little brother. I've been bullied half my life, maybe even a little more than half. And my best friend was sick with cancer and I had no clue about it, until I found her half dead in her room with a note!"

Rae closed her eyes and laid her head on the wall. She took some deep, calming breaths, and held back tears that were threatening to fall.

She felt Justin's stare burning through her.

Rae opened her eyes to look at him and he gave her a sympathetic smile, "you know, you wear your emotions in your eyes all the time. I noticed that when I first saw you. You're like an open book."

She scoffed, "maybe that's why people bully me.. They can see everything I'm feeling, so they take advantage of it.."

Justin pushed Rae's hair out of her face and looked into her eyes, "no matter what anyone does or says to you, you're still beautiful, and strong. Just remember that, okay?"

She nodded and took another deep breath, "okay, enough about me and my almost tragic life. What don't I know about you?"

He shook his head smiling, "what a great transition you made there."

"I know, so tell me! I'm curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat, did you know that?"

"Well, I'm not a cat, so do go on."

He laughed shook his head again, "you're really something, aren't you?"

She nodded with a smile.

"Okay well, I'm actually not Canadian."

Rae narrowed her eyes and sat up, "what? You're joking?!"

"Nope, I'm actually from France. I was born and raise there."

"Oh my god.. That's insane."

"It really is."

He told Rae that his father was an original vampire, and that he was also. He lost his mother during the
"transformation", since her body wasn't strong enough and it just killed her.

The look on his face when he told her that really hurt Rae. It was the first time ever that she'd seen him so vulnerable.

He also told her that he was over 100 years old. It was unbelievable, actually.

He knows every language ever known and has lived everywhere in the world, as well. He can pick up a foreign language in minutes after hearing it for a while.

More than half of his money goes to many different charities all over the world, it's amazing, although Rae kind of already knew that.

"So are you still afraid of me? After knowing most of these things?" He asked.

Rae giggled, "no, I'm not scared of you anymore, you're as sweet and caring as I imagined you'd be. You know, before all this happened."

She instantly remembered that Livi snuck into the arena and took a picture with Justin before being escorted out.

"Justin!" Rae called out as she grabbed her phone.

He looked surprised, "what's wrong?"

By the amount of concern in Justin's voice, Rae must have sounded more scared than excited, as she looked through Livi's Instagram pictures.

When she finally found the picture of Livi and Justin, Rae smiled at him, "do you remember this crazy girl?"

He took Rae's phone and instantly smiled at it, "of course. Security wanted to kick her out before seeing me, but I stopped them. She was a real sweet heart. She told me she and her friend didn't have tickets and I was going to give her free ones, but she didn't want them. She wanted to actually pay for some, to help pitch in for a charity. She was really amazing, I loved meeting her."

Rae felt more tears start to fall down her face.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Justin asked as he wiped her tears away.

Rae tried calming herself down before she told him, but every time she felt calm, she'd break down even more.

"Rae.. What-"

"tha-that was.. Livi.." Rae finally managed to make out.

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