Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter 21:

Rae sat on the couch, looking at the spot he was in, before he disappeared. He left only seconds ago and she already missed him..

She felt empty inside. She knew some people say that whenever their loved one leaves them, to go home or something, but she genuinely felt empty.

It was like, when Justin left, he took a part of her with him. She felt incomplete. If she were to looked in a mirror, she wouldn't be surprised to see only half of her reflection.

Rae sighed, "at least I'm not alone today, I have you and-"

Her phone started playing "Out of My Limit" again. She looked at the caller ID, expecting it to be Justin.

The smile she had faded as I read the contact name, "Mommy💕," but then she managed to smile again.

Rae: "Hi mom, how are you?"

Mom: "Oh my god, Rae. I was so worried about you. Why didn't you call? Didn't you read the note I left you?"

Rae: "I'm sorry, mom. I must have forgotten.."

Rae heard her mom sigh.

Mom: "it's okay, how are you holding up?"

Rae: "I'm okay, I'm doing a little better.."

She wasn't completely lying to her mom. She has been feeling better, until now, of course..

Mom: "I'm glad, sweetie. I called to check up on you and to tell you that I'll be home by Saturday. Your brother is going to get there tomorrow, okay?"

Rae: "Okay, I'll see you guys then."

Mom: "I love you, baby."

Rae: "I love you, mom."

She hung up the phone and just started at it. She wanted to text Justin, or even call him, but she figured he would be busy or something, and didn't want to interrupt him with anything.

Rae decided to go back up to her room and just lay down. Zeus came up and looked at her with his big puppy dog eyes.

She smiled down at him and set him on her bed.

"Wanna sleep early tonight? I don't know what else to do.." She whispered as she rubbed his head.

He just barked and she started getting comfortable in bed. Rae decided to go on her phone and check twitter for a while.

Everything on her time line was about Justin. It made her smile to see all these people, from all over the world, getting along and being happy together.


This is were sh spent her free time on. No one here judged her. They get to know her first without judging how she look, because she never post pictures of herself.

Rae could make friends easier here. They weren't as judgmental as everyone outside the Internet were, they love her for her..

Rae tweeted Justin,

@justinbieber I just want to say thank you for everything, you saved my life. I love you x

and logged off.

"Goodnight." Rae said as she kissed Zeus' head and closed her eyes.

"Tomorrow is going to be better. I'm not going to be sad, I'll get dressed, and go out to shop or something. I need to keep my head up.." She said to herself as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

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