Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16:

Rae turned over to her left side and laid her head on the edge of the pillow.

Her body was pretty close to the edge of the bed; she moved her leg over a little, and it ended up dangling off the bed.

She groaned and scooted towards the center of the bed.

She felt a slight breeze on her arm, which was a bit strange, since she never left the window open..

Rae turned onto her back, slowly stretched her arms out, and let out a little yawn.

She opened her eyes and looked around the room.

Well everything looks normal..

Of course everything looks normal, idiot! Nothing happened to your room, or you. No excitement whatsoever. Other than Justin coming into your room, talking about yourselves, and spending the night with you.

Rae narrowed my eyes, "wait what?!"

She sat up quickly and seriously regretted it right after, since she got extremely dizzy.

"Fuck my life." She said as he tried to compose herself.

Right next to her was a note, written in perfect cursive, with a beautiful red rose across it.

She smiled big and read the note,

Good morning Rae.

I'm sorry to have left you so early in the morning, but I had to get back to LA for a meeting. I really enjoyed the night we spent together, it was really fun and entertaining. We should definitely do it again sometime soon (:

Well hopefully this present I got you would make up for me leaving you. Just follow the rose peddle arrows and you'll find your present on the kitchen table.

I am a phone call or text away, I'll answer and reply to you all the time. So feel free to contact me in anyway.

I'll see you soon, okay? Take care of yourself and that present(;

- Justin x

A present? She thought. He got me a present? How is that even possible? He was with me the whole night and-

She looked at her phone and saw that it was 12 o'clock.

Oh shit, okay yeah it's possible to have gotten me something during the time I was asleep. Then again, the kid is a vampire..

That thought still freaked Rae out, like she still couldn't believe it was real.
I mean vampires are, actually, real..


She put the note down and got off the bed. She looked down at the trail of rose peddles and smiled the whole way to the kitchen.

Just the thought of him doing all this for her really made her stomach warm up. This was literally the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for Rae.

She looked at the kitchen table, wide-eyed. The box there was huge, with beautiful purple/turquoise wrapping paper, and a big, perfect tan bow at the very top.

Rae walked towards it and noticed there were a couple holes around the box.

Holes in a box, that can only mean one thing..

There was an animal inside, possibly an iguana or reptile.

Iguana? Reptile? Seriously Rae? It's obviously a cat or a dog, wtf is wrong with you? Thinking about iguanas and reptiles, you don't even like those!

Right.. Wow I'm so dumb..

"Okay, I really need to stop talking to myself like that.." She said out loud.

She  started unwrapping the box and as she opened it up, her eyes got watery and She covered her mouth, "oh my god! A Siberian Husky!"

Siberian Husky's were Rae's absolute favorite dogs in the world, like you have no idea.

Beside the dog, were some supplies she needed, and all the dogs medical stuff.

Sweet, I didn't have to do that.

She quickly picked up the puppy as it let out a little bark at her, "oh, you're so beautiful!"

The puppy was vey tiny, maybe about 2 months old? It's eyes were a beautiful ocean blue that Rae just loved so much.

"Hmm, are you a boy or girl? I feel awkward checking, but I wouldn't be able to name you if I don't.."

She checked to see if it was a female or male and smiled big, "you're a boy! Aww yay!"

Seriously how did Justin know about this? It couldn't have been coincidental. He probably picked through her mind while she was sleeping..

I'm not mad though!

Wait but what if he saw things there that I didn't want him to see..?

Rae quickly pushed that thought away and cradled her new puppy as she walked up the stairs to her room.

" You're so adorable! I love you! Now to think of a name..."

She sat on her bed and let the puppy walk around, as She thought of a name.

"Damn I don't know what-"

As she looked past the dog, she noticed a necklace? On one of the shelves.

Rae got off the bed and walked over to it, curiously. As she got closer, she lifted an eye brow. It was a turquoise dog collar.

Rae picked it up and the little tags bumped into each other, making a cute little noise.

She looked at the tags and smiled, "Zeus."

This definitely wasn't a coincidence. Justin had picked through her brain.

She walked back to Zeus and struggled to put the collar on him, "Zeus, Zeus c'mon! It's- Zeus, sit!"

Zeus looked up at her and licked his nose as he sat down, "oohh, you're trained, good."

She managed to put the collar on and she laid back down in bed. Zeus walked onto her stomach and laid there, staring at her.

This dog, this dog is going to be very great company for her. He is what Rae needed for so long, even more now that Livi is gone..

A friend.

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