Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

As Rae drove into the high schools parking lot, she saw that there was only one free spot, and it was between the whorebags and the jocks.

"Fuck my fucking life.." She whispered to herself.

She parked in between them and the school whores glared at her as the jocks just continued on with their conversations.

These three girls have been making all four of Rae's years here, at this high school, a living hell.

I honestly don't know why they found joy in my unhappiness.. She thought.

Rae grabbed her back pack, got out of her car quickly, and put the alarm on her car as she walked away.

She heard the leader of the dumb blondes (they're not all blondes but, close enough) yell out, "yo! Ugly ass emo girl! Where's your razor and your friends?!"

"What friends?!" Called out another.

She gritted my teeth and kept walking.

God, I hated them with such a passion. They obviously run out of original things to say to me..

"Fucking sluts.." Rae said as she shook her head.

In middle school, Rae was a cutter. Although she knew it was wrong, she did it anyway. She managed to stop and hasn't thought about doing that for a while now, which was a great step for her.

Rae started cutting when she was 14, since she was in horrible place at that time. She was furious with her dad for leaving her and she felt so broken because of the things those girls said to her. She even lashed out at her mom and Liam a couple of times, which she will always regret.

(Going to describe Rae really quick)

She has big green eyes, long black wavy hair, pale brown skin, and an hour glass figure(she wasn't skinny, she was just average). She's had a few offers to become a model, but never took it because of school. She was pretty short to be a model though, since she's 5'2.

Those girls, Nina, Carrie and Lydia, would always tell her that she was fat, ugly, and disgusting. She actually didn't think she was that ugly, until they started telling her all these negative things. Rae believed everything they said for a while. She believed every one of their words..

She use to starve herself to get skinnier. She used to throw up after breakfast, lunch, and dinner..

Of course, she stopped all of this when she met my best friend, Livi Payne.

Livi has been her friend for three years now. She is literally the perfect best friend.

Anyway, Rae went up to her locker and took out her government book.

"Rae! Love, how are you?" Livi called out.

She turned around and smiled, "I'm okay, I had to park in between those bitches though.."

Livi narrowed her eyes, "what did they say to you?"

"The usual.." Rae said annoyed.

"Do you want me to beat them up? You know I'm a fucking black belt, right?" Livi said as she got in her little stance.

Rae laughed and gave her friend a big hug, "I love you, you know that?"

She heard a smile in her voice as she said, "yes, I do. I love you, too. Now hurry up, we have to get to our government class!"

She giggled and closed her locker. They walked into the class room and greeted their teacher, Mrs. Howard.

"You girls are early, as usual." She said as she smiled at them.

"Yeah, we're so ready for this final! We studied so much, like you can't even imagine." Livi said, smiling.

Livi and Rae were overachievers. That is a reason why they got along so well.

"I bet! Even if you don't do that great, you'll both manage to get a 'B' plus." Mrs. Howard said matter of factly.

"A 'B' plus is no exception to us Mrs. H." Livi said sternly.

The bell rang and their classmates started to walk in. To Rae's disadvantage, Nina and her clones had all the same classes as she did, along with their obnoxious boy toys..

The test was not hard at all, it was fairly easy. Rae finished through it as if it were a quiz. An hour long quiz, actually.

Livi got up to turn in her test first, then Rae did.

"You two may leave now, good luck with your other exams!" Mrs. Howard happily whispered to them.

They thanked her and walked out of the classroom.

"Let's go get something to eat? I'm a bit hungry." Rae asked Livi.

"Of course. I could use some food right now." Livi said holding her stomach.

They both walked over to Rae's car and before they got in, Rae heard Nina call out, "emo slut! I need to fucking talk to you!"

Nina looked pissed off, more than usual.

"What the fuck do you want?" Livi asked, with attitude.

Nina glared at her and said, "none of your damn business, bitch. This has nothing to do with your stupid ass."

"Excuse me? Last time I checked I had a 4.0 unlike your dumbass 1.0." Livi said flipping her hair.

Rae laughed and looked at Nina's priceless reaction.

"Whatever, you're still stupid to me." She said rolling her eyes.

Nina turned her attention to Rae and pushed her.

Rae narrowed her eyes and pushed her back, which surprised Nina.

She has never pushed anyone back before, or fought back in anyway, to defend herself. She was just so sick and tired of Nina's bullshit...

"Don't fucking touch me again," Rae said in a threatening tone, "I could seriously beat the shit out of you if I really wanted to."

"There's two of us and just one of you, too. You're defenseless against us." Livi said all smug.

"You hooked up with my boyfriend Saturday, didn't you?" Nina sneered.

Rae looked at Livi and they both bursted out laughing. "Do you seriously believe that I would waste my precious time on your loser boyfriend? I was with Livi Saturday, you dumb bitch." Rae said in disbelief.

"No! I heard Lola and Stevie talking about it! Don't fucking deny it! I know you're jealous of me, but he's my boyfriend! All mine! You can't have him, you slut!" She yelled out.

Rae rolled her eyes and gave her a cold stare as she sternly said, "you know what, Nina? I am so fucking done with your bullshit, okay? You've tormented me all these years and I just stood there and took it, but now, I will fight you back! He's all yours! I don't want him, he isn't even attractive?" She said half laughing, "Have you see him? You have bad taste in boys," Rae paused for a moment and smiled big, "But then again, whores as yourself, don't really care what they get. They're satisfied with anything." She ended with a smug look.

Nina started at her with pure hatred in her eyes.

I got her, and she knew it.

"Whatever, I don't have time for your bullshit! I'm fucking popular. Now you two sluts, stay away from my boyfriend!" With that, she stormed off, extremely pissed.

Rae has never gotten her so mad before and she liked knowing she could piss Nina off that much.

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