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[Ship: No ship, but platonic Dreamotnap and Dreamnoblade best friends i think.]

[Type: Angst]

[AU: Uh- Sad Dream? Does that count? Faceless Dream, Tommy and Dream are good friends in this 'cause why not?]

[TW: Mentions of Blood, Death, Sharp things, Panic attack i believe and just angst in general]

[Words: 1111]

[Extra; I feel like shit so time for some angst!]


"Hey Guys! Whole Family here huh?" Sapnap asked smiling "Yes, don't ask why." Philza said "Let me guess, Techno or Wilbur wanted to?" Sap asked and Phil just nodded "Okay, sit down i just made some tea. George and Dream are out of the house right now, but they should be back soon." Sapnap said and walked to the kitchen getting tea for everyone ('Overwhelmed'? That song matches right now.) "Thanks Sap" Phil said and sat down on the couch, Wilbur sitting down on Phil's left side and Tommy on the right side, Technoblade sat down on a chair near the couch trying to avoid all kind of human interaction.

"Where even are Gogy and Dream?" Tommy asked and looked out the window looking if he can already spot them. "They found a new cave and wanted to explore it today. That's what they're doing, but they're already out for like 3 hours so they shouldn't take too long." Sapnap explained and looked at the clock that was on the kitchen table.

Sapnap handed everyone their tea and sat down as well. "So, anything special you guys want to do?" Sapnap asked, he didn't know what to do. Wilbur, Technoblade and Tommy probably wanted to see Dream not him. "How have you been?" Philza asked, luckily he was there as well. That's how they started talking about random things and how the others were doing.

Until, George and Dream came back.

Dream bursted into the house and immediately ran up the stairs to the bathroom. "Dream wait!" George ran inside a little bit after Dream, both males looked pretty beat up. "George!" Sapnap jumped up from his seat and walked over to George "What happe-" Before Sapnap could finish Technoblade noticed one really weird thing "Why do you have Dreams mask?" Technoblade stood up as well and pointed at the mask in George's hand.

"We got attacked, i fell into a really deep cave and was on two hearts. We didn't had any food on us anymore and i only had iron armor." George paused and looked at the stairs worried "Dream was kind enough to give me his Netherite armor." George looked at the Mask in his hand.

"But, what happened?" Wilbur asked, everyone has stood up by now everyone worried about George and Dream. "We got attacked by Enderman, Dream protected me." George looked down on the ground trying to hold back his tears "He got hit really badly in the face and his mask fell off. One of the Enderman hit him really hard in the face, he probably bled a lot. He started towering up in order to get out of the cave as soon as possible." George explained and handed Sapnap Dream's Mask.

"Dream?" George walked upstairs way calmer than before somehow. "Wait for us!" Tommy yelled, if you wonder 'why would Tommy worry about Dream?' It's because Tommy is actually a very nice and kind person.

Dream had locked himself in the bathroom, "Dream if you let me in i can give you your mask back." Sapnap held the Mask up even if Dream couldn't see it. Silence, not a word from Dream.
"Dream, please. At least let us know your still concious (That how you write it?)." Philza said and tried to open the door with a little more strength than before, sadly the door didn't even move a little bit.

"Somethings not right.." Dream mumbled and stared into the Mirror, scanning his face and every detail of it. "What do you mean?" Technoblade was only one that understood what Dream said. "It's not the same, that's not my fucking face?" Dream was confused himself, he didn't know who the person in the mirror was. Was it because of the scars the Enderman gave him or was it because he wore a Mask for so long?

"Dream, i'll chop this door down if you don't talk to us." Wilbur threatened and got out his axe. "Don't." Sapnap said and held the axe down and Wilbur put it in his inventory again, he didn't understand why, but he did know that George and Sapnap know Dream way better than he does.

"Dream, i'm coming in." George said and actually didn't do anything he just stood there. Suddenly the door opened and George walked in, soon after the door closed again and now George was locked in there with Dream.

"Holy fuck-" They heard George say "Just give me my Mask." Dream plainly said, he acted strong now just because someone was there with him. Dream has always been like that, act strong as soon as someone else is near even when he was almost dying he could act strong.

"Philza, can you come in?" George opened the door for Phil and dragged Mr. Minecraft inside.
"What do you need Mate?" Phil purposely looked at the ground knowing Dream wouldn't like him seeing his face. "Can you bandage Dream's face, i'm not good at that and you have Tommy, Wilbur and Technoblade as children." George almost begged the older male. "Sure, no thing. Are you fine with that Dream?" Phil wanted to hear Dream agreeing to that plan before looking up. "Yeah." Was all he got in response, but of course that was more than enough.

Phil was shocked when he saw Dream's face, but he didn't say anything not wanting to make the younger male even more upset. "Okay, just tell me when it hurts." Philza took the bandages from George and started wrapping Dream's face up and gave him his Mask back as soon as he was finished.

"Okay, now you should go to bed and rest a bit." Phil smiled and lead Dream to his room and made him lay down and sleep.

"How is he?" Wilbur, Technoblade and Tommy asked in sync. "He's fine, he does need to rest for a bit so we will go home now." Phil commanded and told Sapnap a few things like, give him food and tea when he waked up and change his bandages. And that it would be the best if he took his Mask off.

"We'll visit again soon." Tommy smiled brightly and walked out the door getting to their horses. "Bye!" George waved and quickly went inside to Dream's room, so did Sapnap.

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