{As Brothers Dream x DreamXD}

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[Original Title: "You guys don't know anything about him." or 'The Mask']

[Type: Mainly Angst, but there is Fluff in the end]

[TW: Mentions of Death, Suicide and other stuff like that.]

[AU: Dream broke out of prison but it's Ranboo that got him out. Sapnap and Dream are childhood Friends. Dream never betrayed Sap and George, DreamXD and Dream brother AU]

[Words: 1618]

[Edited: No]

[Extra: Yay! Two more days until i visit my Family, i'm so excited.]

[Little Story that happened to me irl: As you all know i'm German, means all of my friends are German. When i was at school i watched a Tommyinnit video because why not? One of my friends came up to me and asked "What does Wilbur mean?" In German of course, i laughed so damn hard. It was the way she asked, she asked like Wilbur was an actual word not a name. When i explained to her that Wilbur is the name of the brown haired guy her face went O////O and she just left. So damn funny i'll never forget that. And sorry if you're reading this but it was ridiculous]


"I can't believe that you're actually here." Dream thought George and Sapnap would be excited to see him out of prison, but oh boy was he wrong. In the time he was in prison they forgot about him, they just don't care about him anymore. "Look Dream, even your 'Friends' think you belong there." Tommy said the word 'Friends' in a way Dream didn't like at all. "Dream, do me one favor never call us Friends ever again." Sapnap said, that why ever hurt Dream even more even though George said even worse stuff earlier. Probably because Sapnap and Dream knew each other for forever. "Not like you guys deserve the title 'Friends'." Dream shot back, it was the truth. They didn't deserve it, just forgetting their best friend while he's in Prison. No wonder they didn't visit.

"At least some of you still have a heart." Dream spoke, he meant Sam with that, Sam has always been kind to him even if he was in prison. "Who?" Tubbo asked staring holes into Dreams mask. "Sam. He told me that he wouldn't let Sapnap and George visit because he was scared that you'll break me out. That's the first time someone has ever told me a lie that made me happy." Dream admitted, he always knew that Sapnap and George never wanted to visit, but he always told himself that Sam was telling the truth so he started to forget the actual truth. 

"If you want to make us feel pity for you, we never will." Tommy said, disgusted by the fact that he was kinda sorry for Dream. "No, no don't feel pity for me. I don't want your pity." Dream said, "How?" Philza finally talked making people remember he was there "How do you stay so calm?" He completed the sentence looking at Dream "You know, the Mask as long as i wear it i feel safe. I can stay calm as long as i wear my Mask. And Tommy don't even try taking it away from me nobody has ever even laid a hand on my Mask, and believe me many people have tried." Dream explained, his Mask smiling at everyone. "I don't plan on taking it away from you. I know that i won't be able to ever read your emotions, even without the Mask i know your emotions will always be a secret." Tommy sounded somewhat adult like as he talked. 

"How about i just get XD to kill you?" George teased Dream "You know XD?" Dream asked confused, why did he never hear of that before "Of course i do." George smirked and private messaged DreamXD to kill someone for him. After a few minutes DreamXD appeared right next to George "Who and why?" He asked, simple and straight to the point. "Dream, because he hurt me." George whined, technically it was the truth, but also not. "Dream?" XD turned around and faced Dreams smiling Mask "Hey." Dream just said calm as ever. "Are you stupid? I would never hurt Dré." XD was confused as hell, why would Dream hurt George? Or did George just lie? "But XD!" George said with his British accent "No, sorry George. Everything but that." XD walked over to Dream and patted his head like a little kitten and it's owner. 

"You guys don't know what he's been through." XD mumbled sadly remembering everything that happened back then. "Oh yeah? What has that green blob been through?" Technoblade asked, he was able to be there since Tommy talked with Tubbo about it and nobody is allowed to hurt anyone, excluding Dream they would love if he got killed right away. "Do you know what it's like seeing your own Mother commit suicide?" Technoblade already knew why XD asked that. He didn't want to believe him though "Because he does. I'm sorry, dear Brother." XD mumbled the last part and hugged Dream closer. "Brother? How are you his Brother?" Fundy asked confused about literally everything "Well, the gods adopted him and i'm their child, that makes me his Brother." "No it doesn't. You're not Family." Tommy said plainly "Then you, Technoblade, Wilbur and Philza also aren't Family?" XD teased and Tommy went quiet after saying a quick "Yes we are!" 

"What else happened to him?" Sam asked curious about the green mans live, he and Dream have some weird Friendship since Dream came into prison. "His father, abusive. His brothers, dumb asses and very mean. His sister, always has been mean. His grandma, a lovely person." XD ended the sentence in a good way to at least remember Dream of one good thing. 

"I don't believe you." Sapnap plainly talked, his face showing no emotion at all even Tommy felt sorry for Dream, heck even Techno! "Well, SaPnAp." Dream teasingly started the sentence to try and make Sapnap mad, it worked, "What?" He asked annoyed looking at the Masked man. "You remember that one time we were training and you let your anger out on me?" Sapnap nodded, he did remember he accidentally broke Dreams Mask back then. He had to leave immediately to not see Dreams face. "Well, i told you that you injured me. Did you ever say sorry? No right, i feel like i can finally show what you have done. Also goes for George you also hurt me once, but yours was on purpose." Dream spoke in a sad tone, but not everyone noticed that. "Are you sure?" XD asked looking down at Dream "I'm sure." Dream said and walked over to the others facing them with his Mask. He started to untie it behind his head and it was now only held by his hand holding it up. 

"Wait- are you really going to?" Ranboo asked confused, it was the first time he spoke up because he was still an emotional mess since he let Dream out of prison, at least that's what they thought. Ranboo let Dream out on purpose, he wanted to let Dream out and here they were. Dream let the Mask fall to the ground, it revealed a freckled boy with pink lips and, a blind eye. The other eye was very light, "Thanks to Sapnap i'm Blind on one eye, and thanks to George i'm half blind on the other. Means i would technically need glasses." Dream explained and XD made him wear his Mask again. "I'm sorry, Dream." George apologized looking down at his feet. Everyone looked at Sapnap, but none of them expected to see him crying 

"Oh my god, Dream! I'm so so so so so sorry. I really didn't mean to do that. You know that right?" Sapnap asked kinda panicking, but when Dream walked over to him and hugged him he calmed down and cried into his Best Friends shoulder. "I'm so sorry, i knew how you were as a kid. I should've known that you're not a bad person." Sapnap regretted not believing Dream, he regretted being on the side of people he barely knew anything about and not on the side of the person he knew everything about. "It's fine, Sap. Remember i told you i would always give you a second chance even if it would be your 1228th chance." Both giggled "As for you George." XD spoke up again "Never ever talk to Dream again if it's not needed, got it?" XD said sternly, Dream was his younger brother after all and their parents weren't around so he had to watch out for Dream. George nodded and soon after everyone left.

"Wait- are you really the son of two gods?" Sapnap asked looking at Dream with a questioning face, "That's what you're thinking about right now?" Dream giggled one more time before answering "Yes, they adopted me before i met you. So yeah my parents are literally gods." Dream laughed soon Sapnap joined him "Well, my parents are a demon and a Diamond? Is that special too?" Sapnap laughed "If you say it in that way yes. But if the people find out you mean Skeppy and Bad, then not anymore." The masked man talked. Dream went to leave, but before he could actually leave Sapnap spoke up "Can i meet your parents sometime?" he asked, "Sure, i could bring them here once. But," Dream turned around to 'face' Sapnap "they're the ones that taught me everything, the manipulating, the acting, being intimidating and being scary at all." Dream explained and turned back around to leave, leaving a scared Sap standing there all on it's own.

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