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[Original Title: The Boss Fight]

[Type: Angst with a cute reuniting]

[AU: Dream ran away AU, Wilbur and Technoblade are childhood friends with Dream]

[TW: Mentions of Blood and all those fighting things, Mentions of Death, Probably swearing?]

[Words: 1432]

[Edited: No]

[Requested from: @Anime_Ships- ]

[Random quote i found: "We should not fall in love, because everything that falls, gets broken."]


"Phil, are you sure about this? We've been walking for forever!" Tommy whined, Philza apparently got a notification that said there were now more boss mobs in the game, they were searching exactly those boss mobs wanting to figure out what they are. "Do you think they're dangerous?" Tubbo whispered not gonna lie he was kinda scared. "I sure hope it is, that's why i came along after all." Sapnap chuckled not noticing how scared Tubbo is. "It is dangerous, but no one will die." Philza laid a hand on Tubbo's shoulder giving him a warm smile. "Okay." Tubbo smiled back at Philza and soon went back to talking with Tommyinnit.

"Is this it?" Technoblade asked looking behind him where Phil stood, "This should be it, yeah." They stood in front of a castle looking thing, it was huge. It did look pretty old, but that's what made it special. "Can we go in tomorrow? I'm too tired from all this walking." George asked, for that he got a tiny slap from Sapnap "That's a good idea George." Philza answered and got out two beds "Hope everyone brought their own?" He somewhat asked scanning everyone, luckily everyone had one. 

"Wil? Are you still awake?" Technoblade asked looking to the place the brunette was laying. "Yes, why?" He responded, both of them not sounding tired at all. "Have you been thinking about Dream again? I already told you he probably forgot us." Wilbur talked in a deep, sad voice "No, not this time. I was wondering if you would like to check this castle thing out with me? We can't sleep, we could just check out the entrance." "I like the way your thinking." Both males stood up leaving a note in case something would happen. And with that being done they went inside of the huge building.

"Dang, it's dark here." Wilbur said holding up his Torch, "Down or Up?" Technoblade asked and looked at the stairs in front of them "Down, is more dangerous. So we'll be going Down." Wilbur smiled and started walking down the stairs "Your logic makes zero sense." The pinkette followed him shaking his head. Deep inside both boys knew that this was a really bad idea, but why should they care?

"Ouch, my eyes." Wilbur whined and covered his eyes, so did Technoblade as the whole room they were in was suddenly so bright. "What is this?" They both got used to the light and were greeted by lots of animals cuddling against their legs "Awh, so cute!" Wilbur knelt down and petted a baby bunny, while Technoblade looked around 'Why are here suddenly Animals?' Of course Technoblade had the right to ask that, because in the next seconds those 'cute' animals cut them with whatever weapon they had on their bodies, the cats used their sharp nails, the dogs bit them, you get what i mean. They soon stopped and dragged, the now injured boys, into another room "Where to now?" Technoblade sounded very annoyed, they can hurt you more than you think "I thought they actually liked me!" Wilbur whined "You're not very helpful." 

The animals disappeared and Wilbur and Technoblade were stuck in that room, "Seriously what is this?" Wilbur finally got up and started acting like an adult. "I see you've entered the Dungeon, even though you know the risks." a strange voice spoke up and the room became a bit brighter so they could finally see, "Wait-...i know that voice?" Wilbur looked around trying to find the person that voice belonged to "Dream, what do you mean?" Technoblade asked now way calmer than before, he knows his childhood best friend would never hurt him. "The risks of the dungeon, but i don't need to tell you guys about this." He giggled and finally showed himself, well more likely he jumped down from the roof or whatever. "Dream!" Wilbur yelled and went to hug him "I missed you." Technoblade said staying where he was. "I suppose you snuck in here without your friends knowing?" Dream asked, the other two looked down embarrassed nodding slowly "Knew it, you should get back though. It's already pretty early." Dream explained and showed them a clock that said it was almost morning "Thank Dré." Technoblade smiled at the shorter boy "What about you?" Wilbur let go of Dream and locked eyes with him "I'll stay here, duh. What else am i supposed to do?" He giggled "Huh? I don't really understand." But Dream didn't give Wilbur an answer, he just pushed them both out of the Dungeon and locked the door basically forcing them to go back. "He's still very careful with his secrets and personal life, i see." Wilbur walked back continuing his thought in silence, Technoblade just following thinking about what Dream could possibly be doing in there, why was he there in the first place?

"And where were you two?" Everyone stood there, Philza asking the both of them ready to scold them. "At the Dungeon obviously." Technoblade plainly answered, but before Phil could say something he sat down and got out his axe standing back up and walking back to the Dungeon "Where do you think you're going?" Badboyhalo asked him "Going to get some questions and get back my Best Friend, if you don't have a problem with that." He simply answered and continued walking, but everyone was following him each because of a different reason.

"You're here again?" Dream asked and looked at Wilbur and Technoblade "We need answers Dream. You've kept your life personal for too long." Technoblade explained and looked Dream straight in the eyes, "No." Dream answered and looked away "Dream, if i tell you mine and Techno's biggest secret will you tell us why you're here?" Wilbur tried to make a deal, the others just listening closely "Ugh, fine." He finally gave in "Good Good, our biggest secret is that...that we always liked you more than a Friend." Wilbur stuttered making himself, Technoblade and Dream blush. "Now that's unexpected, anyways i'm here because i'm dead." "What? How?" Sapnap asked and walked closer to Dream "It's actually pretty simple, every dead person got brought back to the earth, but we are stuck in here. As soon as we try to get out we die, again." He explained it to Sapnap smiling, "How are you so sure about that?" George asked not believing Dream, "Here," Dream held his left hand up revealing only bones on that hand "i tried it." everyone was shocked, "Oh my god." Technoblade started "That's so cool!" He walked over to Dream and grabbed his hand. "You know what, i'll stay with you." Wilbur smiled "I'm sorry, you meant We'll stay with him." Technoblade corrected him. "Sorry." Dream giggled "Can i stay here as well?" Sapnap asked awkwardly "Of course!" Dream smiled brightly "Anyone with a white soul is welcomed here." He sat down on a chair that suddenly appeared "How'd you do that?" George asked "I live here, i can do whatever i want. You want something? I can give it to you." He smiled his creepy smile his mask used to have. His mask was long gone, when he got revived he sadly lost his mask. 

"How do you even see if someones soul is white?" Sapnap asked Dream, they were now together for years, they've made it way prettier there and lived all together. Not only Sapnap, Wilbur and Technoblade stayed, but also everyone else. "I see a weird kind of aura around people, if it is white that means they have a clean soul, grey means they're probably not the nicest and black is a no go, don't talk to people with a black aura, they're the worst." He explained to Sapnap "Wow, that's impressive. Have you ever met someone with a black soul?" "Yeah, apparently someone with a black aura killed me." Dream giggled "How can you giggle at that?" Dream face darkened and he stood up "I died because Technoblade accidentally pushed me off a cliff. They don't remember because I've erased their memories of that." Dead silence, nobody said a thing.

~To Be Continued~

~Don't know when or if i'll do a part two~

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