{2k Special talk}

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So, about a 2k special. I realized i didn't do a 1k one, but forget about that. I thought it would be funny to upload a 'normal' chapter but i cant delete any of my writing mistakes. I make a lot of mistakes and sometimes leave caps log on or just write wrong in general. So i'll upload a chapter without removing those mistakes. Funny right? The only idea i got tbh. If any of you have another idea please let me know.

About writing now. I am on the train rn on my way to my Family like i explained in one chapter already. I dont have any WiFi there so yeah. I won't be able to check or write on wattpad so as soon as i'm back home i'll check and see if i hit 2k, if i did i'll immediately write the chapter and publish it. So i'm sorry if it comes a little late. Hope you guys understand that.

Besides that, i'll try my best to upload as much as i can. Don't want to let you all down right? So as soon as i'm back i'll write for you guys!

Another thing when i was outside waiting for the train with my mother i spotted some pride flags, because of pride month in the whole city wherever flags are you'll see a pride flag ;)

Another thing when i was outside waiting for the train with my mother i spotted some pride flags, because of pride month in the whole city wherever flags are you'll see a pride flag ;)

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Well, i'm gonna end this now so Goodbye dear readers! I wish you all a great Day/Night! Have fun with your life <3

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