{SBI spend a week with the D.T./Day 2}

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[Ship: A little bit of Dreambur, Dreamnoblade and Dreamnotnap]

[Type: Chaotic Fluff, Angst]

[AU: DreamSMP, but nothing bad ever happened, AU where you can only break things if you have the right tools for that, like you can only break stone with a pickaxe, only sand with a shovel]

[Words: 1237]

[Edited: No]

"Tommy! Hurry up, we're waiting!" Technoblade yelled, everyone was standing at the front door waiting for the youngest person to finally arrive, "Jeez, calm down." Tommy answered as he was finally ready to go "Then let's finally go!" Sapnap yelled and went outside, everyone out o the group of course following. "Where are we even going?" Phil asked, actually none of the Sleepy Bois had an idea where they were going. "We're going exploring! Near here is a huge cave system that nobody has ever been to." Dream explained "Sounds exciting!" Wilbur smiled, even though he was a little unsure of this.

"Finally we're here." Tommy said and looked down in the cave, "So, shall we go inside?" George looked at everyone as he was staring at the cave entrance "Of course, that's what we're here for!" Sapnap said and jumped together with Dream inside, soon the others followed as well. "This is kinda scary actually." Wilbur said and looked around "Don't worry, here take some torches." Dream said and handed Wilbur 15 Torches. "Thanks Drea-" Just then the Gravel that was at the Cave entrance fell down and blocked their way out and it got even darker than before. "Does anyone have a shovel?" Philza asked, calm as ever, but then everyone shook there head 'no' and he knew that this would be the end. "Calm down everyone, this isn't the end. We can search for another way out, or look for mine-shaft." Dream said with a calm and soft voice, actually calming everyone down. "Plus we have enough food and enough time so theres no need to worry." He added "I only have 10 cooked salmons." Tommy said looking down "I have 2 stacks of steak so don't worry." Dré said "You're really ready for almost everything aren't you?" George asked, Dream just nodded proud of himself.

It was already five hours later, meaning that it was getting night time. "Let's just go to sleep for now." Philza said everyone agreeing as they were getting tired after all this walking. "Me and Sap will clear everything around here from mobs you guys can build a somewhat camp or whatever." Dream said and took some stone and his netherite axe. "See ya in a minute or two." Sapnap said and followed Dream. "Wow, i never thought you guys do such kind of things. Like exploring caves and all that shit." Wilbur confessed, nobody has thought that. Everyone thinks the Dream team is a somewhat lazy group, but boy were they wrong. "Yeah, Dream and Sapnap freak out if we don't do something special each day." George said sounding kinda annoyed "But hey, it's always funny so i don't complain." He quickly added. "Can you call this okay?" Technoblade asked, he was supposed to make them all something they can sleep on. "Yeah, that looks okay." Philza said and continued cooking them more food. "Staying with you guys is actually pretty fun." Tommy admitted. "Really?" George asked, he sounded like he didn't really believe Tommy "Uh. Yes?" "Why are you so shocked about that?" Wilbur asked, they all sat down by now as they finished their job. "It's just that everyone thinks we're chaotic dumbasses that just 'cause trouble. We never get taken serious, all they see in us is a burden." George said looking down at his hands, he didn't know if he should have told them or not. "That must be really hard man." Tommy said, he somewhat knew what George meant, Tommy was also only seen as the child that nobody takes serious, well some people do take him serious but that's kinda rare. So he of course knows how George and the other two feel.

"Man, we took a lot of time didn't we?" Sapnap asked and sat down beside George, Dream sat himself down next to Sapnap. "You guys did take your time, but it's fine not like we need you." Technoblade teased them, Sapnap just dramatically gasped whyever Dream stayed quiet. Pretty odd for him to stay quiet, i mean normally he and Techno would be arguing and wouldn't stop until someone else breaks it up. "Dream, are you okay?" Tommy asked worried about the Masked man, "I'm fine, Tommy." He said and stood up getting out his pickaxe and mining some kind of room. "What are you doing?" Wilbur asked confused as he peeked into the little room "I want a room to stay in for the night." He explained, they all immediately understood. Dream takes his Mask off when he sleep, obviously, but Tommy, Wilbur, Technoblade and Phil never saw his face. "Oh, Okay." Philza smiled and layed down. "I'll sleep with you, so you don't have to be alone." George said standing up as well and went into the little room and blocked it up behind him.

"Sapnap? Are you still awake?" Wilbur asked quietly, The sleepy bois meant to ask one of them something since the beginning of the week now and this was the perfect moment. "I am. What is it?" He anwered quietly "We want to ask you something." Philza spoke this time "Go on." "How did you, George and Dream meet?" Tommy asked, "That's a long story." "And that's a bad excuse. Now tell us, we have time." Technoblade joined in, laughing. "Okay if you want to." Everyone turned themselves so that they were looking at Sapnap now, while Sap was just looking at them. "I was at the playground building some really ugly sand castle, when suddenly a specific someone came running towards me saying "Help! I need help, please." Well more like a yelled." Sapnap paused for a few seconds, "You guys were always troublemakers huh?" Philza said giggling and Sapnap actually nodded "Well, i followed him and he brought me to a cave nearby where i saw another boy siting in, he was injured so he couldn't get up himself." Sapnap paused for a bit "We managed to get him out of there, but soon after he fell unconcious because of blood loss." Wilbur actually looked kinda worried even though he knew everything was fine. "We carried the injured boy to a nearby tree and made him lay there comfortable. Soon after i found out that the two boys also didn't know each other. And like you probably already know, Dream was the injured one and George wanted to help him. After Dream woke up and thanked us thousands of time we eventually became very good friends, we even moved in together because none of us had a home. I guess we became that good Friends only because Dream is such an idiot." Sapnap ended his little story, "You know his face right?" Tommy asked, a very dumb question actually, "Of course i do." "Why do you think he doesn't show his face?" Technoblade asked for Tommy "I know why, but i won't tell you why." Sapnap said and made himself more comfortable "Now good night, we'll have to do a lot of walking tomorrow." He said and everyone made themselves comfortable and soon fell asleep.

~Day 2: Completed~

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