Glimpse of The Past II

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Age: [??? Years Old] [THIRD PERSON] POV

"Onii-chan~!" The little girl called out to her older brother, tugging on his kimono as the older brother chuckled at his sister's actions.

"Hai?" He had then replied, before he felt a tug on his dark purple and blue kimono.

Looking down to his his little imouto tugging on it as she smiled up at him, bright as ever.

"You made a new friend I suppose?" His brother questioned, and almost immediately, the little girl blushed and nodded her head frantically, to the point her head almost seemed to have fell off.

"Do you like them?" Her brother questioned again, before she broke eye contact and looked down with a bright red face.


"Hai, hai~" Her brother teased before putting down the wood he had been carrying in his arms.

-- Time Skip --

The little girl laughed, as she played in the pond, splashing and swimming in the near-by pond.

It's a few steps away from the house, but it's far from the cliff they're at so it's a bit safer.

Though, the sound of rustling and foot steps sounded.

The little girl turned around with a smile, only for it to turn into fear as it seem to be...

"Oi! Take a look at this brat!"  One of the kids said, holding onto a rock, tossing it in the air as all the others looked towards where he's pointing at.

"Oh! If it isn't the outcast of the village" The female friend had shouted in reply, laughing with the other as she smirked at her.

Before the little one had even processed, a rock was thrown towards her, landing right near her lips, the front of the cheeks, as the female was pushed back into the water.

The clear blue liquid splashing onto her hair as the two laughed some more.

"Why aren't you fighting back? Too scared?" The last of the three said in a mocking tone, placing two fingers above his head, one that made him look like a rabbit...but more of a devil.

The female one, had thrown another rock towards her, as she tried to block it with her arm, only to get hit hard on the hand.

The female began to tear up as the painful wound felt like it was throbbing, as it soon began to sting.

"Hey!" One last voice had sounded. A male one, but a kid's voice.

It was, however, different and sounded familiar, causing the female to perk up and see two other boys running towards her and the bullies' directions.

The other was chasing the bully around, holding onto a large stick, as the other began running towards her, face filled with worry.

"Don't you EVER, go near her again! YOU HEAR ME?!" The other had shouted, finally chasing the bullies out of anyones' sight before running towards her as well.

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