Chapter 12

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Age: (16 years old) [Y/N] [L/N] POV

-- A Few Days Later --

If i was honest, I would say I wasn't surprised to see myself holding onto the demon male tightly.

It was kinda weird for a soon-to-be demon slayer like me to be holding onto a demon for dear life but that soon ended when he separated himself from me and stood up.

I simply stared at him with dotted eyes before I raised myself and sat up.

i continued to stare at him, and the female demon beside him before kneeling onto the ground and placing both my hands in front of me.

"Oi! What do you think you're-"

"Arigatou Gozaimasu!"

I had cut him off before he finished his sentence before a momentary silence blanketed the atmosphere.

It was broken when I flinched a bit at the contact of a cold hand on placed atop my head.

Looking up, I stared right into her lavender orbs in shock as she gave me a gentle smile.

"My name's Tamayo and he's Yushiro. Nice to meet you...-" she said, before trailing off at the end.

"[Y/N]...[L/N] [Y/N]" I had answered before I soon sat up with my back straight up and in an upright position.

"You have pretty eyes [L/N]" the female demon, now known as Tamayo, complimented, to which I blushed lightly at, while awkwardly scratching the bottom of my chin.

I wasn't used to compliments, or anything nice of the sort being used to entire being.

"A-Ah there's no need for the honorifics. Call me [Y/N] and you have pretty eyes yourself Tamayo-san" I had replied back, remembering to be respectful before I then stood up.

I bowed a ninety degree angle in front of them once more.

Yushiro simply scoffed at this, while I can see Tamayo continue to smile.

"I am deeply sorry for intruding into your property! It was an accident and-" this time, while I was speaking, i was cut off with a dismissive wave of a hand from Tamayo.

Yushiro continuing to glare at me from behind her.

"There's no need for an apology [Y/N]-san. I am a doctor who cares for others after all, so it's my job to take you in and care for you as a patient" she had began to explain while I intently listened.

Though as I listened, I feel like i'm forgetting something and slowly grew distracted from the speech Tamayo was giving.

It seemed that a certain mint-haired demon noticed as he scowled and flicked his index finger in the middle of my forehead.

It took me a while to process the slight stinging sensation before I grabbed at my forehead and hissed.

"jeez" I said before I turned to Yushiro, who was now kneeling down in front of a scolding Tamayo.

"Yushiro! Mind your manners and treat our guests the same way as you treat me!" she had begun, now lecturing the demon male in front of her with a slight frown on her face.

"Why must you always resort to violence?" she had then asked to which made Yushiro bow down in front of her, forehead to the ground as he said, quite loudly.

"Gomn'nasai! I promise not to do it again Lady Tamayo!" 

His duality and personality changed surprised me if I had anything to say about it.

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