Chapter 34

374 14 1

Age: [17 Years Old] [Y/N] [L/N] POV

As I was peacefully walking around the place as I couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong.

I gripped the blade by my waist tightly, clenching it as my hand formed a fist.

Despite having a weapon to defend myself with, there's something wrong with the place i'm walking through.

Sure, i've had slayed down multiple demons as I had once promised myself to do.

Recently, i've gotten myself a new kitsune mask that I had stolen from a shop.

Stealing was bit easy to do, since they were pretty much drunk on their booze at this point.

It was a simple mask but it was unlike the mask I had before.

The mask had a very plain design, with the over all color being white.

The eyes of it were curved lines, as if they were closed and the mouth slayed downwards as it branches into two other lines.

It was pretty much an emotionless mask, if it had any emotions to begin with.

I hissed slightly at the sudden stinging in my stomach as I sighed to myself 'Akarui better not have hurt himself. That hurt'

It's been a while since i've run away, yet I could still feel the intense stares whenever I move around the forest at night.

It's as if something was stalking me from within the forest, yet whenever I look back, I was met with nothing but critters trying to run away from something, jumping out of a bush or nothing at all.

I sighed, as I've alway brushed it off as my imagination but it still brought an uneasy feeling fown my chest as it stirred in my stomach.

Soon enough, the caw of a tori was heard as I turned to Akarui, who had landed right in front of me with a basket in his beak.

"You brought all these?" I asked, pointing towards the batch of food before he nodded his little head.

I patted his head before lifting him up, checking his underbelly before I sighed at the slight scratch right at the bottom of it.

Sighing, I brought out a piece of cloth from beneath my haori and wrapped it around Akarui, moving the cloth below his wing so he'll still be able to fly as I then sat back down with a deep breath.

The presence within the place i'm at, however, didn't seem to cease.

It felt as if a heavy weight was placed on my chest, as it made. me hard to breathe.

But whenever I looked, there's just absolutely nothing to be seen.

I stood up, Akarui soon following as I began to leave the place.

There's no reason for me to stay any longer if the being hiding in the darkness was gonna show up and end up killing either me or Akarui.

I began running through the trees as the sun began to set.

The time of the day where most demons come out to play.

-- Time Skip --

As I jumped from tree-to-tree, the feeling of something following me only seemed to grow stronger.

Akarui was a bit behind me, checking to see if anything was behind me.

The sound of thumping and ringing resounded in my ear, but I knew nothing was there.

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