Chapter 41

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"Tell me why you know so much about us even without us telling you things?" The insect hashira, Kocho Shinobu they remembered as they simply gave out a fake close-eyed smile.

"Figure it out yourself, woman," Using the title the she had given themselves just a few days ago in the forest.

After 'trial' they were immediately placed in the butterfly mansion for said examination that the hashira and the master had wished to do to her.

And for their wounds to get treated after fighting the hashira and having been beaten up by the one and only Wind Hashira, Shinazugawa Sanemi.

They could've fight him back, but fighting him was a waste of time. 

"Why do you have kitsune tails and ears?" She asked, ignoring the entitlement she'd been given only for them to continue giving that forced smile.

"It's a secret," They said, continuing with that same forced smile as the hashira gave a smile back, however, with furrowed brows.

They continued to give out a small smile as she patted a damp cloth on the scratches on their face and on the rest of their body.

'They dealt so much more damage than the demons' They thought, carefully observing as she pushed the cloth into one of the deep wounds they had earned from the fight earlier, still, they didn't even flinch but continued to smile.

'Hashiras are truly at another level when it comes to strength and their ability to use their weapons as if it was an attachment of their own main body'

"If you are using your telepathic ability or something related to mind reading or memory reading," She began with a honeyed voice before twisting the cloth and going to grab, most probably, some ice and bandages for their wounds.

"I suggest you stop it as soon as possible"

"And why'd you think that?" They asked, leaning their arm towards their direction as she began to wrap the soft cloth around it.

"You can't possibly be smiling for no reason at all," She said before forcing a bag of ice onto their head, the feeling a slight stinging feeling before she back up a few steps.

They hummed at her somewhat honest reply before holding onto the ice bag they'd been given.

"What's your excuse, exactly?" They asked before seeing veins start to grow out of her neck.

"I could kill you if I wanted to," Plopping down onto their bed now with the bag of ice on their face.

"And hey," Sitting up before standing out of bed, walking towards the unmoving hashira as they stretched out an a towards her direction.

"I may have made a promise but you know, promises..." Placing a hand underneath her chin, tilting her head up as they looked down at her with a daring smile.

"...may or may not be meant to be kept or broken apart after all."

"Kocho-sama!!" The sudden voice of a male sounded, soon after the slam of a shoji door as a male kakushi (Kocho had explained to them a while ago what a kakushi was) entered, panting for breath.

The taller female was fast enough to react as they let go of her chin and sat back down on their bed as if nothing happened.

"Oh- Uh-" The kakushi, realizing what he had brought himself into, then backed off a bit, sweating even more than what they thought was possible.

The dark purple-eyes female merely waved off the kakushi before standing back up again.

"Don't worry about it," They said with half-lidded eyes, beginning to walk out of the room they and Kocho resided themselves in.

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