Chapter 08

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Age: (14 years old) [THIRD] POV

-- After the Demon Attack --

Running away with Akarui in your arms, you were far too focused on escaping to notice two certain demon slayers arrive at the scene of your fight with the demon.

"Sugoi! Someone defeated the demon before us!"

"Tch. Weak demon..."

The two were obviously confused as to why they needed a pillar, two at that, to defeat a middle-ranked demon.

As much as they'd want to protest, he was the headmaster, and they'd rather keep their mouths shut than to disobey and disrespect the man.

Age: (15 years old) [Y/N] [L/N] POV

-- A Few Months Later --

It had been a few months of running. Fortunately, I had come across a decent-looking cave in the mountain.

I don't know where I am, but this would surely do.

I, however, do know that i'm somewhere in the forest.

Cause I ran into the forest by choice.

'Smart [Y/N]!'

Despite the dripping water falling from the "ceiling", the cracks and rough edges on the walls and the foul smelling space they're in.

I had decided to grab a few leaves and branches to make a nest for Akarui to nestle himself within.

After doing so, I decided to make a door made out of leaves, just in case rain decided to pass by.

Then, I began hunting a bit for some fruits and meat, and some water to quench the thirst i'm feeling right now.

 --Night --

After doing some certain things for a little while, I decided to cook the fish I caught.

I swept the ground of the cave from all flammable things and piled up a bunch of big and small sticks in the middle of a ring of small stones I found just outside the cave.

Then, I rubbed a smaller stick onto a larger one, rolling the small one in between my hands to cause friction.

I began lightly blowing at it, seeing sparks of little orange flames light up before I created fire to cook the fish in.

I heard a quiet squawk before I continued with what i'm doing.

Taking a leaf, I placed it onto the fire, and piled more leaves (Thicker leaves) and placed the raw fish atop of it and began cooking it.

Using yet another small stick to flip the fish.


"I don't understand but i'm guessing you're hungry" I said, without glancing at the tori, seeing as he began to leap beside me and unto my lap.

After it was cooked, we ate for bit before I decided to take a quick bath.

My skin consisted of sticky sweat, dirt and grime on it.

I walked towards a small flowing river, a little far away from the cave we resided in, and I began to strip off my clothes.

Which is basically only the green kimono I had found on the way to the small village after the incident.

Taking off my kimono, I placed it into the river, washing the dirt out of it before placing it on the rock to dry.

Sighing, I began to dip myself into the water, slowly relishing the stinging sensation of its coldness hitting my exposed skin.

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