My head cannons

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Ok so let's try something different
I have a few head cannons that go through my mind constantly so I'm here to share a few

Nick Fury played the father figure role in Morgan Starks life
Ok so after endgame he became like very important in her life, understanding that she needed someone in her life to care for her and be the father figure guiding her through life. But he wasn't a replacement for Tony, he just guided her.
Also he couldn't say no to her, so for example if Morgan didn't want to do homework she would tell Fury that and he would have to call Pepper if she wasn't there at the time to talk with Morgan.
Also for bedtime stories Nick would tell stories of the avengers and the best stories of her dad to keep his memory fresh in her mind.

The remaining avengers spend Christmas together after endgame
So whoever was left of the avengers would spend Christmas together, while Clint might have his family they still met with Pepper, Bucky, Thor, Sam, Peter and Wanda like that group for Christmas lunch and present exchange.
And this would continue until the children grew and it was mainly just the adults that would spend at least a few Christmas together to keep the tradition alive and then after the passing of parents the kids now adults would keep the tradition going with friends and their own kids if they had any.

Nick fury was a major feminist
Alright so this is pretty much a fact.
But just imagine Nick goes to save Maria or any woman in his life in like a club or just setting where they are uncomfortable and punches the person who's making them uncomfortable. 
Also he taught Morgan about having self worth, never taking someone's crap, to call out sexism, racism, transphobia and homophobia

Wanda and Peter become close
Ok so obviously Endgame and infinity war would've been very traumatic for the two I mean for some y'all have seen wandavison right
So the two find comfort in one another and they help each other up, and Wanda was always there for Peters achievements like when he graduates high school, possibly gets into college, plays the protective sister role when Peter dates people but is cool around MJ

Gamora and nebula as kids
Ok so these two would run around most days and play with one another gaining a tiny bit of childhood off one another. Let that be nebula braiding Gamoras hair or the pair playing hide and seek or some game.

Nat was Peggy in a last life
Okay so the two aren't very similar with childhood, bring up but the two became amazing people, helping the world bit by bit. And they started to over come stupid society standards and how they should be. Plus o know that they never fully had Nat or Steve in a relationship but I believe Nat and Peggy were  Steve's two soulmates but him going into the ice messed with it so he had the choice of both.

Ok that's all I have so far, these are just my opinions and stuff I have seen on like Instagram or TikTok and added my own spin but add to it if you please :)

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