Was it love?~ Steve part one

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So I always see like Reader knows Bucky and Steve before they went under the ice and the reader is in love with Bucky but I never see any Steve ones so I thought why not give it a try this will also have the same kinda of beginning as the Bucky one I had done previously
I also changed the name

You had known Steve and Bucky since you three were in school together.

You grew up near Bucky and would hang out with him almost every day you came to enjoy Steve's company as you grew older.
You were known for being feisty and would tell all the boys to back off, this made you less popular with the girls but Bucky and Steve still hung out with you.
At the age of sixteen you were being sent to Russia for boarding school. You didn't want to go obviously but your father insisted on you going, he said "you need to learn how to be a proper lady or you'll never get a husband!"
You packed your bags and was gone within a week. You had said your goodbyes to Steve and Bucky at the airport and cried. You sat on the plane snuffling as you looked through the photos Steve had given you as a goodbye present. At the back there was a ring and a note. Picked the note reading it while playing with the ring between your fingers
To my dearest, Y/N I will miss you while you are gone, but don't fret I'll still be here. You'll see I left a ring, it's a ring that you will probably have to wear until you come back to me. I regret writing this on paper and not saying it aloud to you but I love you Y/N. I was saddened by the news of you leaving so I got this ring to show my love for you, until you come back from Russia send me letters. I promise to write back.
Love Steve
You smiled to yourself as you slipped the ring on. Perfect fit.
You soon were greeted by a cold Russia and left looking for the woman or man to take you to the school.
You arrived met the two girls you were staying in the same room as, fortunate for you they also didn't want to be there and had some of the same traits as you so all of you got along.
You told them about Steve and Bucky, Brooklyn and your life.
They all shared about their lives.  You all grew close. Each night whilst they slept you would write your letters to Steve and Bucky,  for two years they wrote back but over time they letters became less and less frequent until they stopped altogether. You had tried after a year of no letters sent to you but soon all the letters you write were sent back to you. You cried for weeks, the only letters you got back were from your family. Your mum knew about the ring and the letters slowly not being sent back.
One day when you were twenty six you packed your bags with your friends and headed back to Brooklyn. You were completely nervous during the flight, upon your arrival your dad had bought a big apartment for you and your friends. But what you didn't know your neighbours were Steve and Bucky living together (idk if they had lived together but just for the story they do)
On the day you moved in you were unpacking some dishes while your friends were unpacking in their rooms when a knock at the door was heard through the apartment.
"I'm coming keep your socks on!"
You opened the door making yourself look 'presentable'.
To say you were surprised would be an understatement. You just stood there shocked at the sight before you, both boys who had stopped writing back to you, at your door, both with equal shocked expressions.
Steve eyes soon darted down to the ring you had never taken off in all those years. Except now Steve was really muscular, he was more attractive then last you had seen him and Bucky was the same.
Your friend Anna pulled you to the side while Betty talked to both boys.
"Okay pull yourself together why were you acting like a arriving at a slaughter house?"
"It's Steve and Bucky the ones I told you about remember?"
Anna soon had eyes wider then a tennis ball.
You nodded and wiped away tears.
You walked to the door where Betty was talking about Russia. She noticed you and stepped to the side.
"Hello boys."
Both of them looked down. Ashamed to look you in the eyes.
"My eyes are up here not down on the ground I remember your mother's teaching you better than this."
You heard Anna and Betty chuckle behind you.
You scoffed and started to shut the door when Steve stopped it with his foot.
"Doll can we please talk?"
You looked back to see if your friends were still there, they were and ushering you outside.
"We're sorry, we got busy-" you had cut off Bucky almost instantly.
"Not an excuse."
"Doll we are really sorry, but can we please talk again be friends once more?" Bucky looked at you with pleading eyes while Steve looked down once more.
You shook your head fighting tears. You were about to say something when a woman with a British accent walked up to Steve. They excused themselves to the end of the hall, you turned to go back inside when Bucky grabbed your arm.
"You deserve to know, Steve likes her so give him the ring back? I'm sorry Y/N but he fell out of love for you." You looked back at Steve and how his eyes lit up looking at the woman. You would soon find her name to be Peggy.
Tears filled your eyes as you took off the ring throwing it at Steve's direction before slamming your door.
For a couple days you didn't leave your room.
You had kept the letters written back to you from Steve but the one about the ring stayed in your mind. Was everything just a waste of time? Your mum came over and tried multiple times to get you to move when she had to go to the last option she had. Get Steve.
You were just looking at the letters that had been sent back to you. Each page being ripped up and thrown across the floor. You watched them burn in the fireplace in your room.
You were about to crawl back to bed when a voice startled you.
"Doll what's wrong?"
Obviously you saw Steve at the time it was a shock to you but really it wasn't.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Your sarcasm dripping in your voice. You kept tearing up the letters but now more violently. Steve walked over and tried to take the letters. Only to be greeted by the sounds of your screams.
"STOP!" Steve shouted at you, you had never heard him shout like this. Never.
You grabbed the last remaining letter and tried to shove Steve out the door.
After failed attempts you walked out. Steve following like a lost puppy. You couldn't cry anymore, all you felt was annoyed at how Steve just shows up pretending to care after years of ignoring you only to try and come back into your life. No you weren't standing for it.
"Y/N I'm leaving for an important mission and Buck and I are going out tonight and we wanna invite you and your friends for drinks if you don't come then J understand but if you do please talk with me?" You'd stared out a window, you felt arms wrap around you. You pushed yourself away.
"I'm leaving to go get more details on the mission so hopefully I'll see you tonight." You heard the door shut. You immediately went to your closet and started picking out dresses. You had finally picked on after a mini debate in your head about wearing it or not.

 You had finally picked on after a mini debate in your head about wearing it or not

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You did a twirl in the mirror in your room when you heard gasps and wows.
You turned to look at your friends.
You smiled and did a smaller twirl. Betty spoke up " you'll knock that Steve out of his socks" you smiled and started to play with the fabric of your dress.
You told your friends everything and how you wanted them to join you. Anna had a date with another boy but Betty was joining you.
You both arrived a little bit early to the party so you both started talking. You were talking about what you missed about Russia when you felt a hand on your shoulder, instantly you swatted the hand away. Turning you saw Steve, "Y/N you came. Wanna have a drink your friend can join us."
You sat at a table listening to Steve and Betty talking about Russia and sharing funny stories about you when you heard the same British accent from a couple days ago.
"Hello Steve." You turned in your seat and looked at the woman she was gorgeous you'll admit but you felt a pain deep down, you could see the love in Steve's eyes he looked at her. You smiled at her before excusing yourself.
You wen to the bathroom and stood against a wall, liking down at the finger the ring was once on. You were getting lost in thought when you heard the British accent.
"May I ask who you are? Or get a name I have seen some much of you it's unbelievable."  You smiled at her and extended a hand.
"Y/N Y/L/N and you're Peggy (and Peggy! I'm so sorry I had to)"
She nodded and smiled.
"I notice your ring from the other day is gone where is it? It was beautiful."
"Oh um I had to give it back to the person who gave it to me."
"May I ask why?"
You took in a deep breath. "They fell out of love with me. So I had to give it back."
She moved against the wall next to you. "You don't need a man."
You sighed and fiddled with your fingers. "I know but I knew this person for years, we grew up together and I didn't fully realise how much I loved him till I left. But I'm gong back to the party you coming?" Peggy nodded and followed you out.
You only stayed for an hour when you and Betty left. You were exhausted and Betty was close to where you were. You were kicking off your shoes when there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it go to bed Betty."
You straightened out your dress and opened the door.
"Oh hello Steve."
He nodded and put his shield down.
"Thank you got coming. Sorry I couldn't spend so much time with you."
You nodded and went to shut the door when Steve stopped it with his foot.
"I'm leaving now but I wanna be friends again when I come back please doll?"
You nodded and shut the door.
Only to be told Steve and Bucky didn't make it the next day.

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