preference ~ you have his kid after your break up

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Part two with Tony, Steve, Peter Q and Bucky.

You were seven months along and living rent free at your parents holiday apartment in New York.
You had found out you were expecting a little boy. Your mum had decided to stay with you in the last two months of the pregnancy since she knew how hard it could be at times.
Your parents knew about what happened between you and Tony and the way the breakup went.
You kept contact with the team and Nat informed you on what happened after the team found out you were pregnant.
They chewed him out especially Nat and Wanda, he ignored them and continued dating Pepper and pretended you weren't pregnant.
Two months later
You were holding your son Phillip in your arms. He looked a bit more like you but he had Tony's eyes.
You cried first time you saw him because it had hit you Tony wasn't there to see his son.
It was five in the morning and visitors were allowed finally and you saw the whole team.
What they didn't tell you is that Tony and Pepper had joined them and were waiting outside unaware on what was happening inside the room.
Most of the team were sitting down or standing talking with you.
You were talking about how you were on a year of maternity leave then you were gonna start working at a magazine company as the CEOs assistant.
You were holding Phillip breast feeding him when Tony walked in with Pepper at his side as he looked down at his phone.
"Okay gang lets go." Everyone looked Tony's way, Pepper's eyes widened as she saw the baby in your arms and hit Tony in the arm yelling "Unbelievable!" Tony looked at you then Phillip and ran towards Pepper.

You didn't expect him to stay, you just hoped that he wanted to meet his son.


Three years later you were taking your daughter out to the park since it was a nice day . Your daughter Diana came out looking like Steve, she had his electric blue eyes, smile and kind heart. She was so beautiful to you in every way but sometimes it did hurt your heart a little but you had to keep moving on in life.

You kept contact with the others especially Bucky, you knew he needed light in his life and your daughter brought that. She knew him as uncle Bucky, and their relationship was very close but she needed her father in her life.

Diana only asked about where her dad was once and you told her was that he was saving the world and she never asked about him again. You both reached the park and began running around playing together. At one point Diana wasn't looking and ran into a man's legs. Who was making out with his girlfriend.

You ran over to your daughter as you began apologizing for what happened.

You were picking up your daughter when you heard a voice you hadn't heard for years. "Y/N?" You looked up and saw Steve. "Steve?" Your daughter let go of your hand ran towards Bucky, "UNCLE BUCKY!!" You turned and left. Bucky saw Steve and started to walking towards you with your daughter on his shoulders.

You felt tears go down your cheeks and forced a smile upon your face when you reached your daughter.

"Mommy are you okay?" You nodded, "Yes baby I'm okay how about we go to Sarah's diner with uncle Bucky?" She nodded her head enthusiastically and Bucky to put her down nicely.  You felt Bucky touch your shoulder. " How are you feeling doll?"

You sighed and looked back at Steve just staring at you he held his girlfriend close. "Heartbroken all over again."

Peter q

7 Years ago you gave birth to your daughter Starla, she was a beautiful little girl, smart as well.

She was top of her class, you worked for Pepper in the LA branch of Stark industries. You handled most of the business over there and kept regular contact with Pepper about the business.   Your daughter went to one of the best schools in LA and you made sure you were always there to pick her up from school, if you couldn't pick her up you would get your assistant pick her since you trusted Julie ( Your assistants name).

You hadn't heard anything about the guardians for a while and thought they were just still travelling space.

You were packing your bags ready for spring break and visiting the avengers for a couple days with your daughter. That was another thing at the beginning of school holidays  you would take time off to spend time with your daughter. She was excited to see the team again since she spent her first three years there. 

"MOMMY!" You rushed to your daughter at the front door as you heard her yell your name.

"Whats wrong sweets?"

You saw she had big smile on her face as she pointed at the door.

"They're all here mommy!"

"Who"s here baby?"

"The team!" You followed your door to the door where the team was standing there.

You hugged one making your way through each person when you got through the mini crowd when you saw the guardians. Gamora and Peter with a baby in their arms. The baby looked like Gamora, no features similar to Peter but you just guessed the kid took more after Gamora.

You stopped dead in your tracks as you saw the scene in front of you. You the o the guardians eyes widen when they saw your daughter run to your side.

"Mommy who are those people?"

Peter looked up and at you with wide eyes the at your daughter.

"Y/N I can explain."

"Theres nothing to explain, we've been over for seven years Peter god I hope you're satisfied now"

Everyone but Gamora and Peter followed.
You were talking with Rocket about what had happened in the seven years you were gone.
"Kid every god damn day without you was so boring and long. Honestly we just miss you."
You smiled and started stroking your sleeping daughters hair.
"I miss you guys too but I have a new life here with Starla so I would love for you all to visit sometime. I think Starla and Groot enjoyed each others company."
You saw Groot cuddled with Starla in her arms also fast asleep.
"That's not quills kid."
"No Gamora had fling with a guy who turned out to be married and she fell pregnant, we left before his psycho wife found out."
"He wishes he had stopped you before you left our lives."
You nodded and got up to take your daughter and Groot to bed.
You set up the guest room for Drax and Mantis and the couch for Rocket.
You couldn't sleep. You missed Peter everyday but you didn't want to just easily fall back into his arms.


You had left the tower when your daughter Camila turned 3. You had lived in Australia till she was about 16, your daughter never failed to amaze you. She was a great dancer and writer, you would go into her room and see new writing prompts or beginnings of new stories yet to be finished.

Your daughter enjoyed life in Australia, you were glad she was happy. You had lost most of your family when you told them you were pregnant but your brother who lived in the Gold Coast offered for you to move out to him after he found out you had three year old daughter. You lived with him till Camila was about 8 years old.

Recently your brother had died of cancer and you were going back to New York to be closer to the avengers. Camila was kinda excited, she was still grieving over her uncles death.

On the plane ride Camila laid her head on your shoulder and fell asleep for a couple hours, she looked like Bucky when she slept, her lips were slightly parted and you could hear soft snores and see would snuggle really close to you if she so happen to fall asleep on you.
You both had arrived in New York jet lagged as hell. But was greeted at the sight of the team all excited to see you both in person.
Camila ran to go hug Wanda as she squealed with excitement and you ran to hug Nat.
You were about to grab your bags when someone picked them up for you.
"Welcome back Y/n" Your eyes went wider than a basket ball. You looked and saw an emotional Bucky.
"I've missed you doll."
Before you could answer your daughter came running up to you.

"Mom are we living with everyone?"

Bucky looked over at your daughter and back at you, then he walked out with Steve following behind trying to get him to stop

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